Graham, Tom and Ian

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Stockport’s streetlight revolution starting now

by Lib Dem team on 9 March, 2012

Streetlights across many of our main roads in Stockport are set to become brighter, cheaper to run and cleverer thanks to a Lib Dem initiative being proposed by Cllr Iain Roberts.

The nearly-£2 million investment will see new light put on 8% of the streetlights.  The lamps burn brighter and whiter, so are better for road users.  They use 30% less electricity, so save money.  And they’ll even email the Council when they’re about to fail, so we should see fewer lights not working.

With streetlight technology moving fast, the hope is that we’ll be able to make further investments and upgrade more of our lights in future years.

The Conservatives, who have been criticising the Lib Dems for not investigating options like turning off and dimming streetlights to save money (we think that would be a burglars’ charter!) are now supporting the Lib Dem scheme.

Iain said “This Lib Dem initiative improves the lighting for Stockport and saves taxpayers money too .”

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Ros says:

    a great idea

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