Graham, Tom and Ian

Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more

Parking issues on Milton Crescent

by Lib Dem team on 15 December, 2015

Keith is asking residents of Milton Crescent for their views on putting yellow lines along sections of the road that are getting heavily parked up. Milton is fairly close to Cheadle village centre and gets people who work nearby parking all day. Residents have told us they don’t mind some parking, but want to be able to get in and out of their drives and get along the road safely.

Selection_239Let Keith have your views on where the council should put yellow lines and/or white H-bars.


10 Responses

  1. Les Leckie says:

    I live on a street near to Milton Crescent. I think drivers, particularly long stay parkers, should be encouraged to park on streets near our village centre. It relieves pressure on our car parks. Laws exist to prevent parking across driveways and these should be enforced. Painting white H bars may assist with this but where does it stop? And who is to pay for them? No more yellow lines, please.

  2. Alan Gent says:

    Sorry Les, I disagree. I live on High Grove Rd, so Milton is my main access route and it’s becoming more and more ridiculous. Parking now extends as far up as Chadvil on both sides, which means frequent near misses between cars negotiating the road. Additonally most of the cars park on the pavements resulting in damage to the paving stones. We do have car parks, which are there to be used. Yellow lines on one side only would, I think, help to relieve congestion and avoid having to walk up the road with a buggy or a wheel chair because the pavements are obstructed

  3. Ruth says:

    The problem for us is abuse of access protection markings and double yellow lines outside our house during the day and at night…which is a serious safety hazard for us. Are there any penalties for parking on them? and does Stockport check/enforce them?


  4. Milton resident says:

    The problem regarding this parking issue is the reduction in cost to park all day in the main Massie Street car parks.
    The main car parks in Cheadle are now full the majority of the day – which never used to be the case.

    This is down to a reduction in the parking cost.

    Those parking on Milton are split with all day workers from nearby Estate Agents ect and those wishing to nip into Cheadle village but can’t get into – or want to compete for the few spaces in the over filled car parks available.

    The workers of Cheadle Village should be parking in the car parks and those that need to quickly run an errand can make use of Milton and surrounding roads but only for a limited period.

    I would suggest the solution on Milton to be a limited free period of parking similar to that of the street parking on Massie St – ( limited to 2hr stints)

    This solution would result/require in permits for residents – which I know from previous Stockport Council managing of these perks – that they will want approx £30 per car per year to have. This could be optional – with many not requiring to have a permit as they have drives – but potentially requiring 1 for a guest/ visitor.

    I make these observations as a long standing resident of Milton Crescent- near to High Grove junction.

    Whatever the solution is consideration should be given that this road is already very busy at key school in/out time with children and their ‘pick-ups’/’drop-offs’ – Many children walk this route to Kingsway High and cross the roads to make their journeys to/from schools.

  5. Graham says:

    Yellow lines is not the answer. It will just move the problem onto High Grove Rd and Chadvil Rd. The answer is to build another carpark that is economical to use somewhere within walking distance of Cheadle centre

  6. Les Leckie says:

    Sadly, Alan, pavement parking is a curse we must live with. The Department for Transport shows no inclination to do anything about it. Enforce a ban on pavement parking and we will reduce the efficiency of our emergency services and much of the use of streets we have come to rely on. I have suggested, elsewhere, that narrow streets should have a traffic lane delineated down the centre thus giving parkers a clue as to whether and by how much they should park on the pavement. Many pavements are wider than is necessary for pedestrians to negotiate but the cost of reducing their width would be prohibitive. Had we known how widespread car ownership was to become streets would not have been designed as they are. Reducing available street parking space would not be a good idea. In my considered but humble opinion.

    • Halifax says:

      On Milton the pavements, and the road itself is not the wide. So cars parked on Milton often park on the narrow pavement and obstruct it. I know this is a police matter and I guess this would have a very low priority. However the law does exist, all we need is the political will to make sure the police enforce it

      I agree that all yellow lines will do is move the problem rather than solve it. And it would mean a problem for residents and their visitors

  7. Caroline Auty says:

    I agree 100% with previous comments that there should be no more new yellow lines around the Cheadle village area, including Milton Crescent. Thank you.

  8. Charles Frieze says:

    If there was a place for a further car park near the village and funds could be found, that would be the neatest solution and should remove all day parkers and some of the short term parkers.

    If that solution is not available, then the issues on milton crescent, where I am a resident, need to be resolved, acknowledging that it may push the problem elsewhere.. Milton Crescent is a narrow road. When cars are parked on both sides for most of the day, it makes it dangerous for those driving down it and for the students from the Kingsway School. For those trying to come out of number 13, the parking up to number 15, often beyond the pavement line, makes it exceedingly difficult to pull out. Therefore, i think that we need sophisticated yellow lines during working hours, say 8:00am to 6:00pm. My thoughts are:-
    – To have from the entrance to 13 up to the entrance to 15 yellow lines for the whole day
    – For the rest of the road to have yellow lines on both sides but with different timings
    – The timings should be, say on the left hand side for only one hour for even hours, and on the right hand side for only one hour for even hours. This should make parking feasible for short term parkers, so as to support trade in the village, and for residents, but make it less easy for long term parkers who are the major difficulty. As a result there should be more space for drivers and it should be safer for pedestrians.

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