Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more
by Lib Dem team on 30 October, 2009
Most of the things I get involved with are pretty immediate. Problems that need fixing as soon as possible, or at most issues like the Kingsway filter that might take a couple of years to sort out.
So thinking about how I see Stockport developing up to 2026 requires a bit of a shift in focus.
That’s the idea behind Stockport Council’s Core Strategy. Some progress has been made on this and the latest stage is now open for consultation until 25th November.
The issues aren’t simple.
Like everywhere else in the country, Stockport needs to provide new housing (at least 450 dwellings a year – nearly 8,000 by 2026. That’s a whole Cheadle & Gatley and a bit more besides (we have about 6,500 dwellings in the ward).
What should the mix of housing be? Where should it be located? How many flats? How much social housing?
How do we build the economic future of the borough, providing jobs, education and training for current and future residents?
What needs to be done to attract more people into the Town Centre along with our local and district centres (Cheadle is a district centre, Gatley is a local centre). How do we ensure not only vibrant retail centres but also the best access for all to leisure, culture, education, health, open space and other community facilities.
How do we protect our open spaces, greenbelt land and heritage?
Stockport is already congested, so how can we get everyone moving even with thousands of extra homes? What mix of buses, trains, facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and, of course, private car travel is right?
For the next month, you can visit the Council’s consultation portal, read the documents, register online and submit comments. You can also submit your comments by email to
The actual consultation documents are fairly involved – together there’s several hundred pages.
So, to get more people involved, I’m currently reading and summarising the different documents – hopefully in a way that draws out the key questions and issues.
First there’s the Accessibility Appraisal. That document sets the scene – it’s more about defining the issues than coming up with solutions. It looks at how easy or difficult it is for people to get to where they want to go – to access schools, shops, jobs, leisure and healthcare, for example.
Next is the Core Strategy Consulation, which looks forward over the next 17 years with proposals covering housing, jobs, green spaces, sport and leisure, transport and more.
The other three papers, which I haven’t summarised yet are:
[…] is the third post. You can read my overview plus my piece on the Accessibility Appraisal paper. This one covers the Core Strategy DPD […]
[…] everyone at last night’s Cheadle Village Partnership. We had an excellent discussion about Stockport’s Core Strategy (12 days to go to register your opinions wih the Council). I was impressed that more than one […]