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Boost to wildlife at Gatley Carrs

by Lib Dem team on 15 July, 2011

From the Gatley Carrs Conservation Group:

After the disappointment with death of fish in the ponds at Gatley Carrs Local Nature Reserve in the big freeze last December, wildlife has received a boost from activities this spring.

In late February and March the ponds were cleared of encroaching reed-mace (bullrushes) by a contractor and help from British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV), enabling Mallard, Canada Geese and Moorhen to successfully breed young. Task days by Gatley Carrs
Conservation Group in April and June cleared hazardous material from the old tip exposed at the pond edge.

A bat survey in May recorded 3 or 4 species of bats and a ‘Bug hunt’ and Gatley Festival evening wildlife walk attracted many people. In July a new notice-board dedicated to wildlife reports and photographs was erected (pictured below) and new street direction signs to this nature
reserve are to be installed shortly.

All these activities have been possible through grants from Viridor Credits, Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund and local charities the Dudley Fund of Gatley United Reform Church and Shields Family Trust of Cheadle, which are all gratefully acknowledged.

Councillor John Pantall, Stockport Trustee for the Manchester Airport Community Fund, visited the Carrs and expressed his support for the value of this local nature reserve, the contribution made by volunteers and the impressive recent developments of the site.

Gatley Carrs, Spring 2011

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