Graham, Tom and Ian

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Balsam Bash at Gatley Carrs, 31st July

by Lib Dem team on 20 July, 2011

Did you know that there is a wildlife conservation area in walking distance of Gatley village centre?

From the Tatton site, go along Old Hall Road, turn left at Conker Island and at the end of Brookside Road is Gatley Carrs, with wild flowers, pondlife, insects, birds and bats.

The Conservation Group are having a task day on Sunday 31st July, attacking the brambles and nettles that are threatening to invade the wildflower meadow. Additional help would be very welcome. Meet at the car park at the end of Brookside Road at 10.30am. Heavy gardening gear recommended – including gardening gloves.
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2 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    Re: Conker Island – is it commonly know as that? I’ve never heard anyone else use that name although that’s what the kids and I call it. Mind you it is obvious: an island of conkers, in Autumn at least.

  2. I hope those in charge know to look out for Japanese Knotweed, as I think I saw some growing in the little garden area off Church Road. It is regarded as controlled waste and has to be disposed of at licensed sites or by burning on site.
    Sorry to harp on about this, but it is a growing menace in the Stockport area.

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