Graham, Tom and Ian

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Stockport top for adoption in Greater Manchester

by Lib Dem team on 31 October, 2011

In Stockport we’re proud of our children’s services and our record on adoption.

Today’s Government figures show Stockport coming out best in Greater Manchester with 85%.  We work with other authorities across Greater Manchester and the whole of the north west to attract foster carers – it can be a difficult area and there are always issues to be tackled.

Authority %
Bolton 78
Rochdale 72
Oldham 62
Trafford 77
Tameside 71
Wigan 68
Stockport 85
Salford 67
Manchester 73
Bury 78

It should also be noted that the time it takes to get a child fostered can be out of the hands of the local authority in some situations, for example when court delays play a factor.

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