Graham, Tom and Ian

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Stockport Transportation capital programme 2012-13

by Lib Dem team on 5 June, 2012

Here are the details of how Stockport Council will spend nearly £10 million for the year 2012-13 on improving transportation across the Borough.

This includes improvements to roads and pavements, structures and drainage as well as a number of other items.

It doesn’t include the extra £1 million the Lib Dems have allocated to spending on repairing potholes – the work to decide where to spend that money will be completed over the next month or so.

Transportation Capital Programme 2012-13


2 Responses

  1. mike smith says:

    Obiously less budget for the semms bypass then
    But hang on you have no money anyway and are cutting jobs ??

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    The funding for the SEMMMS A6 to Manchester Airport bypass comes from other sources (mostly TfGM and the Government).

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