Cheadle and Gatley Lib Dems are moving
Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more
by Lib Dem team on 5 June, 2012
Here are the details of how Stockport Council will spend nearly £10 million for the year 2012-13 on improving transportation across the Borough.
This includes improvements to roads and pavements, structures and drainage as well as a number of other items.
It doesn’t include the extra £1 million the Lib Dems have allocated to spending on repairing potholes – the work to decide where to spend that money will be completed over the next month or so.
Transportation Capital Programme 2012-13
Obiously less budget for the semms bypass then
But hang on you have no money anyway and are cutting jobs ??
The funding for the SEMMMS A6 to Manchester Airport bypass comes from other sources (mostly TfGM and the Government).