Graham, Tom and Ian

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Stockport gets a new car park

by Lib Dem team on 29 November, 2012

Stockport gets – temporarily – a new car park from next Monday. The car park has been built on the site of the old Tenpin Bowling at Grand Central.

From Monday until February 2013 the new car park will run alongside the existing one, giving additional parking space – particularly for station users.

Next February the builders will move in and start building our new multi-storey car park on the site of the old surface car park. The new 1000 space car park should be completed in 2014. When that’s done, the temporary car park will be redeveloped as the new Grand Central complex starts to take shape.


5 Responses

  1. bruce thwaite says:

    Cannot see the word ‘free’ so I assume it isn’t

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    It certainly isn’t!

    The existing station car park is full from 8.30am and stays full through the day, so people are clearly willing to pay for the convenience of parking there. It would be completely wrong to move that burden onto taxpayers and ask you and everyone else to accept further cuts in services – or increases in Council Tax – just to offer free parking.

  3. Jean Skitt says:

    I have a dream – that one day we will read that sign in Gatley – ” we have a new car park “;)

  4. Anne Davidson says:

    Yes I agree with Jean Skitt. Unfortunatley I don’t see it happening.

  5. Iain Roberts says:

    Would love to see a new car park in Gatley – one of the exercises we’ve done more than once is to look for a location for a new car park and ask for suggestions. Unfortunately, no-one’s been able to come up with an option that would work yet, but we’ll continue to look for opportunities.

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