The UK Census data continues to trickle out and we now have lots of information broken down by ward.
You can see the details on the MyStockport website here.
So what do we know about Cheadle and Gatley ward?
- We’re pretty average for numbers of young people, and have slightly more elderly people than across Stockport, Greater Manchester, the North West or the whole of England. Locally, though, Bramhall and Marple have even more elderly people than we do.
- Cheadle and Gatley has the second highest proportion of people from Asian or Asian British ethnic groups, at just under 14% of our population. In Stockport only Heald Green has more, and we’re well above the national average of 8%.
- The percentage of people living in Cheadle and Gatley who were born outside the EU is 9%. That’s the highest in Stockport, but only average for England.
- We’re a pretty healthy place – below average for people with bad or very bad health.
- Around 8% of households in Cheadle and Gatley are lone parent households. That’s well below average for Stockport or England, and less than half the number for Brinnington and Central or for Davenport and Cale Green.
- About 17% of people aged 16 or over have no qualifications in Cheadle and Gatley – well below the English average of 22.5%.
- Over 60% of the population aged 16-74 are employed – a little above the English and Stockport averages. Just 3% are unemployed – well below the averages for Stockport, the North West and England
Can you also show the data from the 2001 census, so we can compare the results?
Hi Claire,
I don’t have those to hand. If I find some time, I’ll see if I can dig them out but the place to look is at
Why dont you point out how many jewish people there are or black or disabled? Your emphasis on the high percentage of asian is rascist. How offensive!
I think Amber has a point, Iain. But I thought the answer to your question was going to be pot-holes. I hope you are going to ensure the contractors pay for the resurfacing of Massey Street, Cheadle. It is getting pretty cut up.
Amber, Les – I’m reporting on the questions asked in the 2011 census; I’m afraid reporting on data that hasn’t yet been made available is beyond my talents at present!
Well I didn’t find the reporting of Asian numbers offensive or racist, its a fact.
Exactly my point Iain – you have focussed on one ethnic group without being able to draw on any comparisons with other groups which is misleading and very irresponsible for a person in your position “only Heald Green has more” what exactly are you trying to say? Isn’t there enough racism and prejudice in the world? I don’t see the asian population as being a problem in cheadle or gatley rather a poitive one in terms of economic, financial and social contribution. Your comments and how they are phrased are rascist.
Why would you Alan? When rascism is blatant in every media sphere and from the mouths of politicians is soon becomes the norm. Why would you question unfair comparisons unless it started to affect you as it now does to virtually every asian ib Britain?
Hi Amber – to be absolutely clear, I have neither said nor implied that having a relatively high asian population in Cheadle and Gatley is a problem, and I don’t believe that to be true.
On the contrary, I see the multi-cultural nature of our area as a strength and have always done my best to work with, and support, everyone in our community. I apologise if you or anyone else sees anything racist in this posting – it certainly isn’t intended to be so, but I appreciate that comments on the internet can be open to different interpretations and this is of course a sensitive issue.
Some years ago I did a lot of work on Gatley’s wikipedia page, and as part of that I put on the ethnic origin and religious figures from the 2001 census. When I have the equivalent figures from the 2011 census I’ll certainly update the wikipedia page.
I’m sure the intention is not to be rascist but do you ever imagine how people may feel when such figures are reported in this way? I bet you wonder never dream of feeling the need to point out how many gay people there are in the community because it would be insensitive and inappropriate and certainly not vital local knowledge to know. It saddens me that people think its absolutely fine to make comments about one partiular part of the community whilst remaining silent on other ‘facts’ but don’t think about the consequences such ‘facts’ taken out of context can happen and then say they don’t intend offense!
Hi Amber,
Personally I have no idea about the number of gay people in the community, but I am aware that it’s a matter of great interest and debate among LGBT groups and I’ve seen many estimates presented (a 5 second Google brought up which doesn’t appear to be homophobic).
Again, I apologise if you or anyone else feel that this is something taken out of context, and again point out that these facts have been presented in the way the national census data has presented them, not contrived by myself.
AMBER .I don’t find Iain’s comments offensive, LIKE HE SAYS HE IS STATING THE FACTS, WHATS WRONG WITH THAT?I don’t think disabled people would be upset if he stated the percentages for that group.
Iain was not being racist in my opinion, only stating facts.
Two quotes spring to mind “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and “Honi soit qui mal y pense”
I am proud to protest loudly and strongly against every aspect of racism and prejudice but will not argue with the ignorant who argue facts are facts – fine but then give all the facts and don’t cover prejudice with the illusion of statistics. Iain will not have intended offence but articles such as these soon has the rascists leaping out of the closets in blind defence.
I think the points you make are very valid Amber, and if I was in your position I would feel the same.
I can see the point about it being data from the census, but as you say, it is a very sensitive area, and that needs to be taken fully into account in the way the information is used/reported. I agree that it could have been used as part of a breakdown of information about the ethnic makeup of all groups in the Cheadle and Gatley wards, and how this has changed over time, which I think was the point that was trying to be made. I also agree that focusing on one particular ehtnic group makes it appear that they are being singled out for some reason, whether this was intended or not.
And on a personal note it isn’t true (at least in my case), to state as councillor Roberts has, that he has always done his best to ‘… with, and support, everyone in (the) community….’. I have previously emailed him on two local issues, parking and a road safety matter, and wasn’t relied to in either case. I referred the road safety issue to councillor Holloway and was replied to within 2 hours, and following his intervention the problem was sorted out very quickly. All credit to the individual but not to the party, whose image was (in my view) adversely affected by what happened in this case.
Hi Henrietta,
I’ve just checked back on my email system and I’m afraid I’ve never received an email from you before. Most likely you either typed my email address wrong or perhaps it got lost in the system somewhere. Whatever happened, sorry I didn’t get the chance to sort out your problems, but very glad that Keith was able to do so.
Hi Iain, having read the comments to date, thought I would join in to say that, as the \white British\ member of a mixed race family living in cheadle, I found the data you posted very interesting and informative and not in the least bit offensive. My Anglo-indian wife was not offended by it either. It becomes very difficult to share things like this via a blog if you have to cover every single ethnic group whenever you do! My eldest son wonders if you know how many half english half indian kent born 11 year old boys reside in Cheadle and whether he is able to say he is the only one.
Hi Matthew – that question’s definitely beyond me, though having grown up in Kent myself, it’s always nice to meet others who’ve had the good sense to move north 🙂
Amber, your comment about Asians being a positive asset “in terms of economic, financial and social contribution.” couldn’t be more wide of the mark. When was the last time you saw Asians shopping on the High St, eating in the restaurants, visiting the pubs? I see them driving in their cars to Rusholme. In point of fact they contribute very little to the social and economic fabric of our area.
I am a full blown white anglo saxon and I found it offensive and so did my chinese partner.
Alan your comment is extremely ignorant, you obviously dont get out enough
I agree with you Bob and Alan, it seems to me someone has a big chip on their shoulder.
I can see exactly where Amber is coming from as Iains headline being something off the Front page of the Daily Mail didn’t make me think he would be referring to the Asian population, I was expecting Charity shops or Take aways.
I am sure that Iain did not mean to offend but you can see by the response that it gets people thinking, unfortunately you do get people like Alan Gent who demonstrates in this and previous forums his out of date views and indeed hints of racism.Alan is of course entitled to his view but applause and support to Amber who in my view represents the voice of the majority rather than the few.
WELL SAID ALAN. IAIN,Whats wrong with living in the Kent area, is it not a very nice place to live?you might upset someone else with that statement, I do hope Amber is not from that area, or else he will have it in for you!HA HA
Alan I am asian. I shop at the local tesco and co-op stores. I use the local pharmacists and get the occaisional take away from the fish shop. We buy fruit, veg and fresh fish from cheadle. I do go to chorlton and live the high street shops there – they offer.more than what we have in cheadle or gatley and I go to asian shops for speciality items I cannot get here. I work locally and pay taxes. My children go to local schools and I support all the social events there my work permitting I go for a coffee at the local cafes and my children play with the other kids in the street. Most other asians I know do exactly the same as well as white, jewish, chinese etc Can you explain to me how I don’t contribute economically or socially?
Racism rarely raises its head above the parapet in this country,its main way of getting out there is by innuendos, misconceptions and the odd sly remark in passing or on an open forum like this.
Alans remarks area classic example of this and I should know having endured many remarks from people since I was a kid about Jewish people from people who did not know of my Jewish routes as I am low key on this matter.
Cheadle and Gatley is now a multi ethnic society working together for the common good.
Well said Ian – we have a great community here. I am muslim and my children play tennis with our jewish neighbours. Build bridges not divisions.
We are all Gods children.
Alan, people see what they want to see: cheadle high street is not all white in my experience. I think you need to open your eyes (and mind) wider
P.s. how do you know they are going to rusholme? Is this evidenced or prejudiced assumption?
I work for the council and shop regularly on cheadle high street aswell as in withingyon and didsbury. I support the local fairs and my children go to school as wrll attend scouts. I pay my taxrs as well as council tax and have never received benefits. How have I not contributed socially or economically?
Great fun reading this discussion! I’m with Amber and I think comments like Alan Gent’s simply prove she’s right.
Here we go again. Make a statement and it’s rasism. Pretty soon we will be worried talking about any subject that may upset someone. I wish people would lighten up.
Why should offensive statemrnts be tolerated? Such negative innuendos quite rightly never be made about jewish or gay communities. If you have not experienced rascism in all its subtle forms how can you tell someone else to ‘lighten up’ until you have walked in their shoes and experienced what they have experienced.
I’ve decided to lock this thread to further comments. I’m OK keeping the existing comments (though clearly I don’t agree with all of them) but I’m concerned that I could get comments which would cross the line.
I’m immensely proud to live in an area where people from different ethnic origins and traditions live peaceably side by side and work together for the good of the community – the statistics show we’re pretty successful economically as a result.