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Consultation opens on moving Gatley Post Office into newsagents

by Lib Dem team on 9 April, 2014

Post Office Counters Ltd has opened a consultation on moving Gatley Post Officer at 185 Gatley Road into the newsagents at 187 Gatley Road.

It looks like the vast majority of services will remain, with a small number that you’ll have to go to Cheadle for. As the Newsagent’s opening hours are much longer than the current Post Office, those would extend.

We understand that David, our Gatley Postmaster, will be retiring and Sharon Matthews, who currently works at the Post Office, would move with it if the plan goes ahead.

Full details are in the letter below, which Mark Hunter has passed onto me, and available in the branch. The consultation runs from 9th April to 23rd May 2014, with the changes proposed to take place in July.


39 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    UGH !…
    Why the need for this move ?
    Will David Edge still be the Sub-postmaster ??
    FTR – oneself has not used that newsagents for many years – the owners (can think of two) having always been rather unpleasant and a number of their staff in previous years likewise.
    The daily lunchtime and Wednesday afternoon closing of the Post Office has always been a ridiculous anachronism – so typical of the public sector – so should the new counter remain open at this time one would regard that as progress.
    Better still – keep the existing Post Office and Sub-Postmaster (although one presumes his retirement be not far off ?), but, improve the opening times.
    ‘Sorted’ !

  2. John hartley says:

    I presume freeing up the existing shop unit will mean we can have another takeaway. Oh, goody.

  3. Neil Harley says:

    I have been involved with Gatley News since December 2009, so I can certainly hazard a guess as to one owner you are referring to (I have heard this said on more than one occasion) but I can assure you that in the last 4 1/2 years my fellow staff members have been nothing short of exceptionally pleasant towards our customers. Frankly to claim that a number of our staff have been unpleasant is stretching the truth somewhat. Two sides to every story Mr. Taggart

  4. Claire Healey says:

    I agree, John Hartley. This can only be good news – the thing this village badly needs is more takeaways, so the more shops close the better!

  5. phil says:

    Sad to hear that David is retiring – will miss his personal touch. Hope he has a long and happy retirement. Good news that we will still have Post Office access but unsure how they will fit it in the newspaper shop and cope with monday morning pension and e bay seller queues. I agree with other posters – old post office prime takeaway site but better i suppose than an empty shop ( only just)

  6. Al says:

    I think this will be a great addition to the shop. Although it would concern me as to whether the guy on his bike, who is always reading the papers when I am in there, will be flicking through all the letters too. Just makes the place look unprofessional. The young girl and guy behind the counter are always friendly and polite , they just need to clear up all the paper deliveries on an afternoon that makes purchasing like taking part in an episode of Wipeout.

  7. Paula Isherwood says:

    So sorry to hear that the Post Office will be defunct. I always found David and his staff pleasant and willing to assist with any problems.

    I think the newsagents might get a bit crowded when parcels are being sent and certainly on the run up to Christmas and we’ll miss the reasonably priced cards at the P.O.!

    Happy retirement David

  8. Estelle Weiner says:

    Gatley PO has always been great: happy retirement David. I also use the one on the corner of Park Road Cheadle. which is in a newsagents and is open at lunchtime. But for amazing “extended” hours it would be hard to better the one at Heald Green inside the convenience store. So it will be interesting to see how many extra hours there will be at Gatley. As for possible queues, the extra hours should ease that particular problem I expect.

  9. Zarif says:

    Happy retirement to David. I think the newsagent ( who have always been pleasant and helpful) should expand if possible and knock through to have one bigger combined facility. The existing newsagent would otherwise be severely reduced in their own capacity in their sacrifice to be a P. O. as well. Some financial grant/ support from POCounters or elsewhere would help facilitate this better option in my view.

  10. Lesley says:

    What about all the paper boys bike in the shop, what a hazard they will be.
    I also have not been in the shop for years due to the owners attitude!.

  11. Robert Taggart says:

    Lesley – here, here, here !

    Al – all the paper ‘lads’ AND their bikes be a big problem in that scruffy shop – the worst offenders mind be the ‘big lads’ ! – particularly the beardy-weirdy two !!

    Neil Harley – one will wait until the unwelcome move has been completed – in order to confirm your statement !

    David Edge – should you take the trouble to read this – best wishes and well done.

  12. Geoff S says:

    David Edge should be awarded an OBE for the years he has put into the post office. He has always provided an exceptional service with a smile to all of his customers in this very necessary local community meeting place. If next door can provide just half of the dedication to their new Post Office customers then Gatley will have retained at least some of our community spirit.
    Well done David and may you have many years of Happy, Healthy retirement. You will be missed…

  13. Andy D says:

    Having been a resident of Gatley for 15 years and sharing an active interest in investing in our local community with my wife and kids, I can’t help agreeing with Robert.

    The newsagents is shabby, unwelcoming and ramshackle. The massive efforts local shop owners have made to ‘up their games’ in financially troubled times – just to survive – should have shamed the newsagents into getting their act together.
    The staff don’t appear to be unpleasant, I grant. But they are often indifferent – and to me that’s just as offensive.

    The post office becoming that inevitable take away (we need as much as those holes rapidly reappearing on the newly resurfaced Park Road) may well be the final nail for us to sell up and move out of the area. That will be a damn sad day for us but one looking more likely.

    We like Indian food, we like choice – but Gatley is becoming a joke to neighbouring towns now, with seemingly no legislation or sense in the granting of commercial permits (or is it more a biased policy for commercial permits?).

    You want to build retirement apartments above a local convenience store? – What on earth are you thinking? Sod off!
    Oh – you want to open an indian takeaway?… of course sir, go straight ahead, we can never have enough of those…

  14. phil says:

    Andy well said and your submission covers everything in a nutshell. I have lived in Gatley for over 50 years but like you feel enough is enough – final nail was queuing up for 30 minutes to get home from Cheadle Heath. Like you say Gatley is now a running musical hall joke amongst my work colleagues calling it the new ‘ Curry Mile’ Sad but time to leave for pastures new

  15. Iain says:

    Although I think we have too many takeaways in Gatley (around one in 20 local shops) I’m very pleased that most of the new shops opening up in the village are not takeaways: clothes shops, green grocers, bike shop, cafés for example.

    I hope that Gatley residents will shop local and support these businesses.

  16. Andy D says:

    @ Phil – I was speaking to a mate who moved down South from Gatley a few years ago and a colleague of his was in Manchester for the weekend. He was planning to either going out in Rusholme on the Curry Mile or in Gatley on the Curry 1/2 Mile! Very depressing to hear someone referring to our home town like that.

    I never thought house prices would have been threatened by short-sighted, non-sustainable commercial planning.

  17. Neil Harley says:

    Rather than just ‘having a pop’ people, why not ask some pertinent questions?

    1. Paper boys/bikes etc.
    This has always been an issue which is difficult to resolve, due to a number of bikes being stolen outside the newsagents over the years. It was decided some time ago that it would be better to allow them to bring their bikes inside, rather than risk having them stolen. Once the Post office is within the Newsagents, this will no longer be the case. They will have to be locked up outside somewhere but unfortunately still risks having them stolen.

    2. ‘Shabby shop’
    Not a lot I can say in defence of this however, we as staff have often pointed this out and suggested possible improvements etc. however as the saying goes ‘ you can take a horse to water………..’

    As a result of the Post office move there will be some obvious improvements to the shop, namely, new drop ceilings with hidden lighting and new shop flooring. There will be an overhaul of the interior which should improve the attractiveness of the place generally.

    3. Newspaper Deliveries
    This is being looked at and it is hoped that the current ‘obstacle course’ will be resolved once the post office is in situ. As for questioning the integrity of the gentleman who reads the papers ‘flicking through the post’ that is tantamount to libel and I would suggest that you retract the comment sir.

    As for the ‘beardy weirdo’ I suggest you retract that comment too Mr Taggart and for the record, once the post office is with us in the Newsagent, the gentleman you speak of will no longer be there.

    4. May I ask Andy B, if you can give any examples of our ‘indifference’? I personally object to that comment and I suspect I speak for my colleagues too when I say we may be many things, but never indifferent. In fact, where possible I (we) go out of our way to go that extra mile and can assure all those reading this, the upcoming changes will not change our positive and friendly attitude and approach.

    Finally, may I echo most comments on here regarding David. I am a relative newcomer to Gatley but agree that he has been an excellent servant to the community and I for one would second any proposal for his OBE.

  18. Iain Roberts says:

    Can I say personally that I’ve never had the slightest concern with the newsagents, who’s staff I’ve always found courteous and helpful.

    I don’t like to censor comments here at all – including those attacking me personally – but I am considering whether I need to remove comments making allegations against individuals.

    In short – feel free to have a go at me, but please don’t use this site to attack individual members of the public.

  19. Robert Taggart says:

    Neil Harley – perhaps things have improved since your arrival, but, not much – according to others who still frequent your premises, albeit, increasingly reluctantly !
    Oneself still hears complaint about ‘assault courses’, nuisance staff and shabby set-up.

    Councillor Iain Roberts – one suspects that if you ever did have concerns surrounding these premises – you would almost certainly be reluctant to air them in public for fear of losing support / votes !!

    Hm, is there an election around the corner ? !!!

  20. Neil Harley says:

    Oh come on! Assault courses is a bit far fetched and frankly ‘nuisance staff’? Please explain!!!!!

  21. Iain Roberts says:

    Robert – just common decency and politeness.

  22. Robert Taggart says:

    Of all the shops in all the… village !
    What on earth possessed ‘the powers that be’ to choose this one for the P.O. relocation ?

    Neil Harley – explain ? – the evidence be ‘in your face’ !!

    Councillor – eee – what you will say in the hope of a vote !!!

  23. Iain Roberts says:

    Robert – I know I’ve no hope of getting your vote (I do think you should stand on your platform of shutting all but one Stockport library etc. and see if the electorate shares your views though!). However, I do like to be civil and polite.

  24. Neil Harley says:

    Mr Taggart, why not try to be a little thankful that the village hasn’t lost the post office entirely (as has happened to countless villages over the last 20 years. The powers that be have deemed that the Newsagent is appropriate for a number of reasons but suffice to say that had our local newsagent not agreed to ‘house’ the post office, there was a very strong possibility that Gatley would have been ‘post officeless’.

    As for your evasiveness and ambiguity I can only presume that ‘in your face’ is your way of saying that it is the gentleman who sits reading the papers. If that be the case, you could do with updating your ‘facts’ as he is NOT an employee of the newsagents and has not been for some time

  25. Robert Taggart says:

    NH – evasive ? – Moi ??…
    ‘In your face’ = all the shops shortcomings be right there for all to see – STILL !
    As for either of the beardy-weirdy paper ‘lads’ – if they be not employees of the shop – why are they allowed to loiter ?
    Given the choice of the move to the shop OR no Post Office at all – mefears we will all come to wish for neither !

  26. Neil Harley says:

    Well, you have the option of Hollyhedge Road, Heald Green or Cheadle then Mr Taggart. As for the shops shortcomings, I have personally accepted that there are a number, but you seem insistent on highlighting only the negative. You have admitted to not shopping here in many years and your tactic of using other unnamed individuals informing you of our shortcomings is frankly laughable. Maybe you need to put to the back of your mind your experiences of 1995 and move on. Isn’t everyone entitled to a second chance? Frankly with your attitude, I fear we would prefer that you take your custom elsewhere. Methinks you may have your own agenda here.

    Oh and just for the record, not that it’s any of your business, the reason that the gentleman that you insist on referring to as ‘beardy wierdy’ is allowed to be in the shop is predominantly a question of security and safety for the female members of staff, whilst ‘manning’ the shop on their own.

    Frankly Mr Taggart, this is becoming somewhat tedious and, whilst your accusations towards the owner may be well founded, you are way out of line with the rest of your drivel, in particular your negativity towards the rest of the staff.

    I was convinced that I was the most cynical man in Gatley but in the last few days, I it is safe to say, you have enlightened me.

  27. Sam says:

    My 10 cousin is more grown up than some people posting! Some never grow up and leave the playground. I guess a bullies only time to feel big was when they were at school! I thought decent people lived in Gatley. If you don’t like living there, move and quit complaining. You can hide behind your computer screen all you like but you will never gain respect!

  28. Robert Taggart says:

    NH – enlightened you ? – Moi ?? – happy to be service – if your shop knows what that means !

    Sam – who is hiding ? – you fail to divulge your surname – what do you have to hide ?? !

  29. Iain Roberts says:

    Robert – as you’re the only person as far as I know who regularly posts here under a fake name, that comment to Sam is a little curious!

  30. Robert Taggart says:

    A fake name ?…
    If you be referring to the electoral register – and the absence of our name from that – there be good reason for it…
    Signed, Politically Disposessed !

  31. Neil Harley says:

    Oh dear, I have no idea what to call you now as you’re clearly NOT Mr Taggart and you clearly don’t read things properly either as you insist on referring to the Newsagent as my shop, despite the fact I specifically pointed out I do not own it. As for ‘service’ I can assure you that the staff at Gatley News know exactly what that means and invariably go well above and beyond the call of duty. Of course, you haven’t been in the shop in ??? years so frankly you have no idea how good bad or indifferent the service is, nor do your imaginary friends who, I suspect, are as fake as you are.

  32. Robert Taggart says:

    NH – fake ? – Moi ?? – nah.
    Oneself be for real – just like our friends and acquaintances. They do not shop regularly at ‘your’ shop, but, they do have the misfortune to pop in now and again – like when the existing P.O. be closed. The best thing they can say about ‘your’ shop ? – “well, we were served – eventually” !

    One fears the move to be a fait accompli – the ‘consultation’ being nothing more than official ‘window dressing’ procedure – so beloved by ‘the powers that be’ and their ‘elected’ lackies.
    Should this move come to pass – ‘your’ shop will have to ‘up its game’ – wish you luck !

  33. Neil Harley says:

    Fine ‘Robert’ you know everything about Gatley News as your ‘moles’ are obviously all over the village. Gatley News is shit, always has been shit and always will be shit. Strange that you are insistent on knowing the ins and outs of a shop you despise so much that you refuse to frequent the place yet you seem to quiz your friends/acquaintances at every opportunity to ensure you have your finger on the pulse as to what is or isn’t happening there.

    Gatley News clearly has shortcomings, most of which I have personally accepted and also agreed with posters here on this thread about. The intention is to improve things over the coming months (as has also been pointed out by me earlier) yet you insist on repeatedly highlighting the negatives and refuse to accept any positives. You also appear to have no intention to retract your personally offensive comments. I can assure you sir, on behalf of others, that if it were possible to identify who you really are your offensive comments would not be left at that.

    I refuse to continue playing ping pong with you as you are nothing short of a bully as was previously suggested by Sam in this thread.

    If anyone else has concerns or queries regarding the upcoming relocation, and wishes to put those forward on here in a polite and even handed manner, I would be happy to help wherever possibly.

  34. Robert Taggart says:

    NH – rest assured – our ‘moles’ regularly speak about their experiences of shopping in Gatley – and it is not all bad !
    That said, they do have concerns – concerns which could be easily rectified by the shop owners or managers.
    Ironically – the P.O. has often come in for a slagging off ! The Lunchtime closing and the Wednesday and Saturday afternoon closing being a particular bugbear. Not sure if this be entirely down to the otherwise excellent Postmaster – or, as one suspects – this be simply symptomatic of the public sector.
    As for Gatley News – our only surprise there ? – that it is still in business !

  35. Mr Gray says:

    Well that got our attention, didn’t it – 34 comments so far – good. What is important here is that we MUST keep a Post Office in Gatley. It is vital. Particularly for pensioners and the elderly. For them, to get to Cheadle or Heald Green would be a major task and in some cases not possible.
    So better a PO in the newsagents than not at all for me. I can live with another takeaway as i don’t use them but i would really miss a local Post Office.

  36. Robert Taggart says:

    Oh Mr Gray – if only things were so black and white !

  37. Mr Gray says:

    Hello Robert.

    I look forward to your elaboration on your reply.

  38. […] few weeks ago we reported that Gatley Post Office is planned to get much longer opening hours as part of its move into the Newsagents next […]

  39. John Bolton says:

    To be fair Gatley is a little upgrade on Benchill. Full of people with much too much to say on anything. It doesn’t deserve a post office. However it merits the continual drop in house prices to reflect the declining area and increased crime rate. Reality is setting in at last.
    Regards John Bolton
    Prestbury Cheshire

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