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Styal Road resurfacing – Lib Dem success

by Lib Dem team on 2 October, 2014

Pressure from Mark Hunter and the Lib Dem team has paid off – Stal Road snow being resurfaced from Yew Tree Grove to Church Road as part of the Lib Dem. £100 million road repair scheme (many other roads in Cheadle and Gatley will be done too, just not yet).

The resurfacing will not only improve the road surface, important for everyone but especially cyclists – it will also see all the lines repainted.

The Lib Dem team is working with officers on further improvements to road safety on Styal Road.

The resurfacing will involve some disruption. Here is what the Council is telling us:

“Styal Road will be closed daily Mon – Fri 9:30am to 3:30pm for two weeks from 13 October for the two phases of resurfacing with diversions in operation for through traffic and access maintained for residents where possible throughout.”

We realise this will cause some issues, so please get in touch if you’re concerned or want further information and we’ll be happy to pass on questions.

One part of Styal Road, from Hollyhedge to near South Drive, is in Manchester. Although we have asked them to work with us, it seems Labour Manchester is taking a different approach to road repairs and aren’t currently willing to do their section. (They are also refusing to repair the junction by the recycling facility on Longley Lane, a very poor surface indeed).

This map shows the Stockport/Manchester border.

Only the Stockport parts of Styal Road are being resurfaced at this stage.

Only the Stockport parts of Styal Road are being resurfaced at this stage.

Here’s the letter the Council has delivered to residents:


5 Responses

  1. Carole says:

    If “not just yet” – when!!! It’s not just the roads in Cheadle, the pavements are a disgrace.

  2. richyrichmeangreenspeedracerofaredcar says:

    …true but have you been down Hollyhedge Road lately… I recon the same people who laid it also laid the M62..another shocking piece of road work

  3. Keith Huxley says:

    I hope that the top water drains (gullies ) particularly between Holleyhedge Road and Church Road on both sides will be unblocked first. Most have been blocked for several years and I have notified you of this in the past.

    It would be a great waste if re surfacing took place and then the road was dug up to repair the drains

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Keith,I know at least some of those have been unblocked – the current work to sort out the tree roots growing through the pipes should help with others, but I’ll take a look.

  4. Stuart Thompson says:

    Some contractors have employees who take short cuts. We can only avoid these if residents are vigilant and report unacceptable practices to the Council, preferably before the miscreants have left the site.

    When Margaret Thatcher left cable phone companies with a free for all that allowed them to dig up our pavements and not dig into their profits by replacing them properly, their crimes against society included sweeping surplus surfacing material down the rain water drains. Both tarmac and cement set fairly rapidly in such an environment and are then difficult and expensive to remove. Such behaviour is completely unacceptable and no contractor should get away from it. Remember, if you think this is nothing to do with you, you will end up paying for the repairs out of your rates. Pick up the phone to the Council or any of your local Councillors, or contact them by email. If you don’t report such things rapidly when you see them happen, you have only yourself to blame.

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