Graham, Tom and Ian

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Cheadle Primary to get big buildings investment

by Lib Dem team on 9 February, 2015

Along with Mark Hunter MP and Cllr Keith Holloway, I had a great start to my Monday being shown around Cheadle Primary School by some of the pupils (and what a busy lot they all are – archery, table-tennis, swimming, steel band, cake decorating – I’m surprised they have any time left to sleep).

The occasion was a visit from Schools Minister David Laws to announce that Cheadle Primary is one of three Stockport schools to benefit from a £2 billion investment in improving the fabric of schools across England over the next five years.

Mark Hunter MP and Schools Minister David Laws at Cheadle Primary School

Mark Hunter MP and Schools Minister David Laws at Cheadle Primary School

So thank you to the staff, to Mrs Hackney and Miss Leech and especially to the children for being such excellent hosts.

The next step will be for the DfT people to work with the school and identify what needs to be done to upgrade the current buildings, make them fit for the 21st century and ensure they have a long and productive life ahead of them.


3 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    HM, must be an election in the air !

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