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Lib Dems press for Bruntwood parking boost

by Lib Dem team on 14 May, 2015

The Lib Dem team are working on a scheme to provide more parking at the popular Bruntwood Park. Local residents and park users have long complained that at busy times the car parks are full, traffic spills out onto local roads and some people who want to enjoy the park have to drive away.

Keith said “Bruntwood Park is a victim of its own success and desperately needs more parking. Our scheme would drain and strengthen a section of field, keeping the grass and allowing parking on it all year round.”

The scheme from the Lib Dems will see the existing car park improved but, importantly, new car parking will be on fields which will stay grassed – no green areas will be tarmaced. More parking would also resolve the main problem with the boutique hotel proposal for Bruntwood Hall.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Stuart Thompson says:

    I have seen car parking installed on grassy sites by embedding hexagonal concrete frames in the grass which grows through the centres of the concrete blocks. These concrete blocks take the weight of the vehicles and prevent the wheels churning up the grass which continues to grow and masks the concrete. The result is a serviceable car parking area that looks like a lawn – no vast acreage of naked concrete or tarmac. Preserving much of the visual appearance in this way produces a parking area that is difficult to oppose on the grounds of reduced visual amenity.

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