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Keith moves forward with Styal Road speed signs

by Lib Dem team on 16 July, 2015

Keith and the Lib Dem team were asked by residents to look at having vehicle-activated speed signs on Styal Road to slow down traffic. After meeting on-site with council officers, we now have a proposed scheme.

Keith will be asking council officers to move ahead and consult on these proposals.


7 Responses

  1. bob says:

    Considering this road was resurfaced albeit piece meal around 6 months ago it’s starting to break up again. Might as well spend the money putting the road surface right than move signs.

    In addition the sate of the repair works to 2 or 3 gulley’s by the care home in Gatley is shocking the new tarmac doesn’t even match the same level of the road. Truly shocking workmanship.

  2. richardroaduser says:

    I second that Bob. In the last 18months have requested the same pot hole to be repaired 3 times because the previous repairs keep failing. Do it once and do it right.

  3. Jane says:

    I’m on Styal Rd (between Hollyhedge & the village) & they really floor it on this straight section of road. Unfortunately, those kind of people don’t pay much attention to signs – the only language they understand in in the form of a monetary fine through the post, having been caught by an actual speed camera.

  4. Chris says:

    I’m with Bob. Stop tinkering with signs, kerbs, coloured paving, humps, markings already functional crossings etc etc and just sort out the actual roads themselves properly!

  5. Neville says:

    I agree that the standard of workmanship on roads is appalling and it would appear that there is a distinct lack of quality control. Are the contractors ever held responsible?

    But apart from that I am disappointed that the proposals don’t do anything for the safety of the Holyhedge Road and West Drive junction with Styal Road. After the initial request for our feedback on proposals I did a detailed submission with some suggestions which were not taken forward. Whilst I am not ‘protective’ of my ideas (solutions?) I am amazed that no alternatives have been put forward.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Nev, having got lots of different (and often contradictory) suggestions from different people, we’ve done our best to come up with workable and affordable improvements. They need not be the final say on the matter – there’s nothing stopping us doing more if we need to.

  6. bob says:

    Judging by the response to my first post above I would have to say that the residents of Gatley have now asked that the signs are left alone and no additional signs are required. Obviously no need to have a meeting on site to discuss with Council officers they have road surfaces to look at.

    As a seperate note and one for the local area comitte meeting. It would be interesting to know how much public money would be spent on actually moving the 30mph sign as discussed in the orginal article. I’d say 2 Council workers for lets say 4 hours (tea break included). Materials etc, including making good the orginal location got to be the best part of £500

    The crazyest part is the fact that it is proposed to move the 30mph sign then 10yds on have a flashing sign. If you want a flashing sign install that but leave the 30mph sign where it is.

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