Graham, Tom and Ian

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Lib Dem team out fixing problems around Cheadle and Gatley

by Lib Dem team on 4 August, 2015

gatley train path

Lib Dem action – nettles cut back on the path at the back of Gatley Station car park.

The Lib Dem team try to get out in the ward as much as we can. This week’s work includes:

  • walking and cycling round Gatley and Cheadle looking out for potholes, graffiti and other issues. We covered about half the ward and are putting the reports into the council for action.
  • cutting back nettles growing across the path at the back of the station car park
  • cutting back vegetation growing across the unadopted path by the Tatton cinema site
  • reporting broken fencing to the owners of the Tatton site – kids are getting on and we’re concerned that someone may get hurt.
  • cutting back vegetation at the junction of South Park Road Estate and the M60 J3 slip road – we’re pressing the Council and Highways England to come up with a longer term solution.
  • collecting litter on the passageway from Baxter Park down to Styal Road.



26 Responses

  1. Jonathan says:

    Any chance you saw the sate of Firs Road? It’s shocking it’s like an obstacle course avoinding the post holes. The Fairway road is also pretty shocking.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Jonathan, yes, we know Firs needs to be done, though we haven’t been there this weekend. We’ll make sure one of us checks it out. If there are individual potholes that can be fixed we’ll get that done and the Lib Dem £100 million road repair programme will properly relay those roads when it gets to them.

  2. John Hartley says:

    Certainly money being spent here – after years of issues with it, my own road is currently being resurfaced.

  3. John Hartley says:

    Update – new road surface looks good. Pity the budget hasnt run to redoing the manky pavements.

  4. Iain Roberts says:

    The pavements and roads are normally done separately – for practical reasons as much as anything. We’re keen to get the pavements re-done across the whole area – our time will come!

  5. Phil Johnson says:

    How could Firs Road and Stonepail Road not be a priority over Brentwood and Brogden Drives?

    • Arthur Lampkin says:

      Stonepail Road is a disgrace and considering how many vehicle use this cut through would have thought this would be a priority. Just a thought couldn’t this be a one way road as with all the parking it is virtually just enough for one car to get down anyway. Could be one way from church road to park road only.

  6. Iain Roberts says:

    Phil – have you seen the state of Brogden?

    The reality is that the council can’t repair every road at the same time so some have to be done earlier and others later. Whether it’s councillors or residents, people are never going to agree on which roads should be done first (most of us, of course, are keen for the roads we live on or use to be done) but someone has to make that decision.

    The Lib Dems have put together a £100 million programme to repair every single bad road and pavement across Stockport over the next few years – one of the biggest in the country, and now being copied by other councils in the area.

    I have to say that your Conservative colleagues have done little more than complain about it – leaving me to wonder if they really want the roads repaired at all.

  7. Frederick Kenny says:

    There is a road sign on Wilmslow Road on the left (facing the Schools Hill junction) opposite Kingston Hill . The sign is quite large and is supported by two steel posts mounted in the pavement. The right hand steel post is fractured and the sign is listing – its a heavy steel sign and in my view is dangerous- if it were to break someone could be seriously injured.

    I spent 20 minutes waiting to be answered by the road and pot hole people and reported it as a serious situation , and was told it would be looked at with 2 hours and was given a problem number( 102027125 ).

    Three days later nothing has happened and the right hand steel post is now completely fractured and the sign supported by the left post only. On checking with the problem number it says invalid – does not exist (see below).

    Could you please get this sorted out before someone gets seriously injured.

    Thank you

    Frederick Kenny

  8. Iain Roberts says:

    No problem Frederick. Hopefully it’s been looked at and the repair is scheduled, but we’ll chase it up and make sure.

  9. jennifer says:

    Well done for all you have achieved so far, but the road markings on Wilmslow Road and Schools Hill are now so indistinct that they can hardly be seen. A stranger to the area could easily stray to the wrong side of the road, especially at the junction with Schools Hill. There are many roads in the area which have this problem

  10. Sandra says:

    Some years ago the ” no cycling ” sign at the top of the passage between Baxter Park and Styal Rd disappeared. One at the bottom of the passage is still in place. Could the sign at the top be reinstated. A lot of cyclists tend to “free wheel” down the passage. This forces me to move against the side when I go down with my dog plus he is at risk of cutting his paw as there is always broken glass at the edges and you can’t always hear them freewheeling behind you.

  11. Afzal Chaudhri says:

    re newly laid concrete slabs around Cheadle high street.

    It looks very good. Thank you.

    I recently noted black spots, on some of the slabs.
    Chewing Gum ?
    If these light colour slabs can be treated, will preserve their new look.

    Afzal Chaudhri

    • Arthur Lampkin says:

      Would have thought chewing gum is a very low priority with the amount of pot holes that need to be fixed around the area.

  12. Norman says:

    As a last resort, can money please be better spent introducing traffic calming measures on local ‘rat runs’ such as Springfield Rd. The ‘polite’ 20mph signs are mainly ignored [as I warned at the time of their installation] and further, traffic not only speed but also ‘weave’ around the humps. It is not only dangerous but intimidating for those who do try to adhere to the speed limit and potentially confrontational. Will we have to wait until somebody is injured before more sensible and effective measures are taken to deal with these mindless driver?.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Norman, whenever we’ve asked residents on any of the local roads whether they want physical traffic calming measures, the answer from the majority has always been “no”. We’re happy to look into these things, but we don’t want to force speed humps etc. on residents against their will.

  13. Phil Johnson says:

    I am not a politician, so I don’t have political “colleagues” of any persuasion.
    To be honest I have not seen Brogden, but it services very few houses. Brentwood is a similar cul-de-sac of few houses, the previous surface was nothing like as bad as Firs Road. I question how these roads are prioritised.

  14. PAT WHITWAM says:

    I heartily agree with Phil Johnson’s comments re Brogden.. As you know I have already queried the reason Brentwood was given priority with no response. South Park Road itself, Mardale Drive & Coniston Road are all badly in need of resurfacing (not patching); they receive much more and heavier traffic than these two cul-de-sacs ever could as they are used daily as a ‘rat-run’ by drivers wanting access to the A34, Coniston being a much easier turn onto Kingsway than the sharp left hand bend off the slip road. These three roads are in such a bad state of repair it is like driving through a third world country. Can we please have a timetable for this long overdue maintenance which was much more vital than the recent resurfacing of pavements, dropped corners etc., considering the very small numbers of pedestrians using the estate compared to vehicles.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Pat, we don’t have a timetable for the roads yet – we’ll let you know as soon as we do. In the meantime, we can get specific potholes repaired on those roads so if you spot any either report them directly to the council via the website or let us know about them and we’ll take a look.

  15. Phil Johnson says:

    Well said Pat.

  16. Graham Coull says:

    Coming down Kingsway from John Lewis and across Gatley Road towards Barnes Hospital there are a lot of road signs and metal skeletons with sandbags draped over the bottom of them that have not been moved also there are many traffic cones that have just been left on the north bound verge of Kingsway.
    The large traffic sign at the end of Coniston Road which blocks the view of traffic coming through the lights on Kingsway is either standing up or lying flat on the pavement I presume that people get fed up with their view getting blocked.

  17. jennifer says:

    Well said Graham. The people responsible for putting up cones/ warning signs etc are very quick to do so. Removing them often takes years. The roundabout at the exit for John Lewis /Sainsburys have been there for months when it is clear that they are no longer required

  18. Hasan Matin says:

    junction Daylesford Road / Schools Hill
    Those of use that have use Daylesford Rd to turn left or right on to schools hill will be aware of the blind spot caused by the overhanging foliage on the right hand side.

    What makes it worse is that vehicles coming from the A34 junction traveling north towards Cheadle Rd do not realise that they are blind to cars coming out of Daylesford Rd.

    is this junction suitable for a blind spot mirror ?

  19. Gary says:

    There is a disabled acsseible dentist on foxland rd on the parade of shops. The pavement outside this dentist has no dropped curb. I along with many other mobility scooter and chair users have great difficulty negotiating this unnessery obstacle. I would be very grateful if you would check this out on your next rounds. I reported it to the council when they were dropping the curbs on Church Rd. but nothing was done. Thank you

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