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Keith Holloway updates residents on Gatley Barclays closure

by Lib Dem team on 13 August, 2015

Cllr Keith Holloway has issued a letter, updating residents on Gatley Barclays following his campaign against its closure:


Dear friend,
A few months ago I heard out of the blue that Barclays planned to close their Gatley branch – the last bank in the village – along with the cash machine. 
I spoke to residents and traders, hearing your stories as to how the bank closing would cause real problems. Elderly people told me how difficult it would be to get into Cheadle. Traders told me that they would have no way of paying in cash in the village.
We fought the closure. More than a thousand people signed our petition – and a huge thank you to everyone who helped collect those signatures. We got coverage on the local radio and papers.
I knew we were up against it, but I hoped we could persuade Barclays to listen to reason and to think about the communities they claim to care about, not just their profits.
Unfortunately, that was not the case. Along with a representative from Gatley Village Partnership, I met with Barclays, and it was clear that they were not going to budge, no matter how good our case was. 
Just a few days ago, Barclays announced their pre-tax profit was up to £3.1 billion for the six months to June – a 25% increase. If their profit is up again next time, it will be in small part because places like Gatley no longer have a bank.
Thank you again to everyone who signed our petition, got others to sign it, helped with our publicity, came to meetings and supported the cause. We put up a fight and we did everything we could, but in the end it’s clear that Barclays put profit before people. 
The branch and cash machine will close on August 21st. We don’t yet know what will replace it, but we will keep you informed as we find out more.
Yours sincerely,



Keith Holloway


21 Responses

  1. John Ellis says:

    Are their any other banks that would like to take it over? Failing that, a bakery, fishmonger, another cafe, a tailors, there will be many people willing to invest as long as the rent is realistic. Just no more indian restaurants/takeaways please, we have enough of those.

  2. Bruce says:

    This was a commercial decision but banks no longer serve communities – they serve their share holders and customers. Over the last few years fewer people were visiting the branch so I can understand the decision. There is another branch close by and like it or not more branches will close in the future.
    One aspect of this campaign I just cannot understand – how can non-customers of Barclays sign a petition against it’s closure? The only people who can justifiably complain are the Barclays account holders

    • Trevor Gaunt says:

      I suspect those non-Barclays customers who signed the petition are, like me, concerned it could be the branch of their bank – Lloyds, Nat West, Santander etc., which is next on the closure list. Cheadle has lost HSBC already and the building remains an empty eyesore. Meanwhile, Lloyds has cut opening hours. Most banks appear hellbent on forcing customers to use internet banking, despite the inherent dangers. The ultimate result of this policy will be closure of all branches.

      • Harry Bull says:

        What inherent dangers? ( re Internet banking)

        • Trevor Gaunt says:

          I’ve seen several demonstrations on television showing how easy it is to hack someone’s account. Also, there have been recent examples in the news where customers’ bank – and other details – have been leaked, but not by their bank. The banks have set out to convince customers that internet banking is convenient (which it is) and, in some cases, offer incentives to register and use it. Why would they do this unless it has the potential to increase their profits? They tell you it’s safe and they will cover any losses. However, the onus is upon the customer to spot discrepancies. A clever thief/hacker will take lots of small amounts over a period of time rather than a large amount that would be obvious.

  3. Arthur Lampkin says:

    Maybe the Co op could move their cash machine down to the other co op as there is now one at Tesco. Then would be one at each end of the Village. RESULT.

  4. Halifax says:

    I have yet to see a convincing reason why Barclays should keep this branch open.

    If the 1000 people who signed the petition want a bank in Gatley, then perhaps they should fund it. Of do they only want a branch there if it is funded with other people’s money?

  5. Lesley says:

    Please do not allow any more ” Indian, Chinese, fish and chip, pizza, cafes etc, etc, to take over the bank premises we are over run with them. Over the years we have gone from a lovely village to an almost “curry mile”, I have often thought who gets their palms greased letting this happen?.

  6. Paul says:

    Our last bank will be a sad loss to the village, Barclays are only interested in profits contrary to what they have said about helping the community, typical corporate hypocrisy.
    Yes no more takeaways or restaurant there are too many already, who on earth gives permission for more & more of these to appear, as the above email says it could be corruption that needs looking into. A delicatessen/ wholefood shop would be a welcome addition to the village.

    • jenb says:

      Yes I agree Paul. Unfortunately on that side and end of the road it’s mainly takeaways, so not much passing trade, could be one reason why the greengrocers that we had last year only lasted a few months? With online ordering takeaways these days are like mini “food factories” so people don’t even have to visit them. We have some good takeaways in Gatley but others very poor standard. Would be nice if current newsagents/postoffice could be extended into the old post office to increase space, but maybe that just isn’t viable?

  7. Phil Johnson says:

    Gatley can’t even support a greengrocer, so good luck with any niche businesses !!!

  8. Andrew Armstrong says:

    I can only assume that ‘Halifax’ is employed in the IT department of one of the main banks. He, or she, has little idea regarding the needs of the average customer. Surely it was the
    dubious stock market activity that got the banks into difficulty; and not the fact that they have too many branches!

    • Trevor Gaunt says:

      Well said Andrew. Of course, the pseudonym “Halifax” gives him or her away.

    • Halifax says:

      No, I do not work for a bank (try again).

      And banks get into trouble because they lent to people who couldn’t pay them back.

      I not know what an ‘average’ customer is. Perhaps you could tell me what an ‘average’ customer is? Although I’m guessing, it is one that hardly makes use of a branch – hence the closing of them.

      • Trevor Gaunt says:

        Sorry if my flippancy upset you Halifax, I didn’t intend it to be taken seriously. I can’t agree with your comments, but you have every right to hold your views. I understand the argument about footfall and would therefore encourage customers to make use of local facilities – not just banks – lest we lose them in their owners’ pursuit of Mammon.
        If my bank branch were to close, I would take my business to one of the remaining banks with a local and convenient branch. However, I am worried they may all close.

  9. Phil Johnson says:

    Business decision. Only 10% of Gatley residents bank there, and the footfall was down 25% over the last 3 years.
    A non-Barclays customer signing the petition is like a vegetarian signing a petition to keep the butcher’s open.

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