Cheadle and Gatley Lib Dems are moving
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by Lib Dem team on 11 November, 2015
The Lib Dem team are pleased that an overgrown footpath we asked to be cleared has now been done by Community Payback. It took a while as not was the footpath very overgrown but a tree had fallen from a back garden across it.
The path runs from Demmings Road behind the houses and comes out by the entrance to the industrial estate on Brookfield Road.
It may be a footpath but no one wants it no one uses it it gives access to the back of people’s houses it’s much safer to walk down Brookfield road it’s only the keep footpath open mob who keep going on about it the last time it got cleared was about 5 years ago.
Well done Ian and team. It is always good to keep footpaths open.
It might help if those that can only offer negative comments could show some appreciation to such work or dare I say it volunteer to help.
It’s good to hear of offenders putting something back into their community. A much more positive sentence than banging up minor criminals in prison.
Not got a problem with offenders pay back but who is responsible for keeping the path clear as it doesn’t get done I’m betting the houses that back onto the path didn’t ask. The path that does get used running behind Cheadle Town could do with cleaning up, is that down to volunteers or do we book it with the probation service.