Graham, Tom and Ian

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How many journeys are made from Gatley station?

by Lib Dem team on 21 December, 2015

Official figures show that 310,000 journeys were made from Gatley station in 2014/15 – making it one of the better used stations in Greater Manchester. The figure may be an under-estimate as it’s based on ticket sales, and it’s often not possible to buy a ticket from the station.

Manchester Piccadilly was by far the busiest station in Greater Manchester with over 24 million passenger journeys. Oxford Road was second and Victoria third, both with a little over 7 million.

Gatley comes behind Heald Green and Cheadle Hulme, but is better used than East Didsbury and the majority of stations across GM.

Now we just need it to have a ticket machine!


7 Responses

  1. Alan Gent says:

    Presumably we’ll get one in April!

  2. rich chard says:

    I must admit I have enjoyed a few free journeys from gatley when the ticket office has been closed and nobody has collected tickets on the train. what’s the rush.

  3. heather says:

    I would rather buy my ticket from the machine, the guy behind the counter is downright rude never met anybody so miserable.

  4. Anne Godfrey says:

    That attitude infuriates me. it wasn’t free you STOLE. Don’t you have a conscience? That’s why British Rail have to factor into their charges (expensive as they are) for the likes of you!

  5. John M says:

    I am positive the figure of 310,000 is a significant under estimate, as it is widely known in the area, that in the evenings and other quiet times there are various ways to avoid paying. Which makes it harder to justify improvements, including re-opening Cheadle station. The true figure might be close to half a million, but there is no way of knowing.

  6. Andy says:

    I must say I was surprised by the figures compared to Heald Green. My not very scientific estimate based on trying to count people is that between 8-9am and 5-8pm around 80% of the passengers traveling to/from Piccadilly are traveling through Gatley. Yet there are twice as many trains to Heald Green during these times. Ticket sales may not be accurate as majority of passengers will use season tickets during those times to avoid the often 20 min queue to buy a ticket every morning.

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