Graham, Tom and Ian

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Lib Dems push for flood risk work

by Lib Dem team on 25 February, 2016

Back in December Stockport was one of only two Greater Manchester boroughs lucky enough to escape flooding, but it was a close-run thing. The Fire Service have since said that they were stretched to breaking point and, had the Mersey flooded, they wouldn’t have been able to cope.

There aren’t many parts of Stockport Borough at risk from flooding, but areas of Gatley and, even more so, Cheadle are among them.

Environment Agency flood risk map

Environment Agency flood risk map

The Lib Dems are calling for more work to be done on flooding risks locally, and for the people who live in areas at risk to be involved.

“We need to better understand the risks and what we can do to reduce them, but it’s more than that. We know from experience elsewhere that where people have been involved in planning and understand the situation, they are better able to cope should the worst happen.” said Iain.

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