Graham, Tom and Ian

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Let us know about South Park illegal parkers

by Lib Dem team on 10 May, 2016

Following complaints by the Lib Dem team and local residents, the Council and Police have both been in contact with the Barnes Hospital site manager about contractors parking on the South Park Road Estate.

We have now been told that there is contractor parking on the Barnes Hospital site (this wasn’t there before). That means no contractors should be parking on the South Park Road Estate or on the slip-road onto the estate.

So please let us know of any contractors still parking there.

If you can let us have the registration number and make/model of any illegal parkers, we will chase it up with the Police and the Barnes site manager to get them moved.

Update 11th May: the Police checked on the estate yesterday and found only one contractor vehicle parked. That vehicle was given a ticket. They will carry on checking.


3 Responses

  1. Garry says:

    I’ve been complaining for years about the parking on the junction of Oak road and Stockport Road, along the side of the Conservative club. Regularly it makes this narrow part of the road a one way stretch. I have sent photos of offending vehicles to the council many times. Nothing ever gets done about it.

  2. Ruth Hill. says:

    Yes it has greatly improved but I will look again tomorrow as there are still contractors parking on our estate.

  3. Robert Cohen says:

    And the illegal drivers cutting through ………?

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