Graham, Tom and Ian

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What were the local issues four decades ago?

by Lib Dem team on 2 June, 2016

On a dusty bookshelf in the upper reaches of Stockport Town Hall are hardback-bound copies of old committee minutes, stretching all the way back to the founding of the council in 1974. But what were the good people of Cheadle and Gatley worrying about back then? A glance through those early papers reveals all. Here are some of the issues councillors were dealing with.

kingsway 1976

The extension of the A34 south of the Mersey had only recently been completed so in the mid-70s the junction was probably still working OK for cars, but that meant pedestrians were getting a raw deal, as this 1976 issue reveals.

cheadle trade 1974

Back in 1974 Cheadle traders were concerned about trade and the number of units that were changing from retail to other uses.


st davids road 1976

In 1976 work continued towards implementing the one-way system to stop the St David’s Road rat-run – and it clearly couldn’t come soon enough for local residents.


schools parking 1974

And in 1974, school parking was again an issue on Councillor Lane.

Along with these are concerns regularly featuring in the meeting papers about dog fouling, graffiti, anti-social behaviour and vandalism. Planning applications face objections that will seem very familiar to people today and there are a remarkable number of items about trees and whether they should be protected or cut down.

Whether problems come around again, or never go away, or just prove really tough to solve I don’t know!



3 Responses

  1. Art Lampkin says:

    So nothing much has changed then. Surprised or not?

  2. Lib Dem Team says:

    I think wherever you go, the same problems crop up over and over again. The surprising thing might be how much we kid ourselves that our issues are something new!

  3. Julie McDonald says:

    As the Cheadle College site is being considered for new school premises so producing more timed traffic possibly than existing college where movements are staggered throughout the day and evening; what is being done about approaching BT again to enable widening of Orrishmere Rd junction to Cheadle Road? Parents converging, to collect children from a wide catchment area, four local bus routes, what traffic modelling has been done around anticipated resultant increase in road traffic accidents at that junction?

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