Graham, Tom and Ian

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New pavements for Brooklyn Crescent

by Lib Dem team on 20 January, 2011

Brooklyn Crescent in Cheadle has new, smooth pavements!

Pam in particular has been working on this for a while as sections of the pavement were badly rutted and frankly dangerous, especially as the route is well-used by elderly people.

The problem – as usual – was finding the money.  Pam and I were able to put in £11,000 from the ward budget we get for road improvements and get the work done.


4 Responses

  1. Alan Gent says:

    Iain, Lucky Brooklyn Crescent! Your description of the pavements perfectly matches the description of High Grove Rd. Again I have to ask where is High Grove Rd on the priority list? We too have old people in their 90’s on our road!

  2. Carole Kliman says:

    The whole area is a disgrace. I have complained many times about Daylesford Crescent. My husband is disabled and unable to walk outside of our driveway because of the state of pavements. Where are we on the list?

  3. Karen Sandler says:

    I agree with the above. We have been trying to get any proper pavements for Broadway Avenue for over 15 years! Where do we fit in? I would certainly agree about High Grove Road as well. These 2 streets are a death trap.

  4. iainroberts says:

    Karen – Broadway Avenue is another priority we’re hoping to get done soon. But we have limited amounts of money, we can’t do everywhere that needs it and so whatever we do someone is going to have a new pavement and others are going to miss out – for a while at least.

    I wish I knew a way round it, but I don’t. We do try to sort out the pavements as best we can with the money we’ve got, and we try to prioritise on the basis of how bad the pavement is (Brooklyn Crescent was very bad) and the use it gets.

    I accept 100% that different people will have different views on which pavements should be top priority – you argue your case and we listen and do what we can.

    There’s one other issue: we only have just over £20,000 to spend over the whole year in our devolved budget (the money the ward councillors get to decide how its spent). That can cover pretty much anything we want to do with roads and pavements, but with Brooklyn Crescent costing £11,000 you can see it doesn’t stretch that far.

    To do longer roads like High Grove Road or Daylesford would cost more than our budget – it isn’t something we ward councillors have the money to do no matter how much we’d like to.

    Those longer sections are on a Stockport-wide list, again based on how bad the pavement is and how many people use it.

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