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Stockport – recycling more and throwing away less

by Lib Dem team on 21 April, 2011

Recycling rebate – £637k coming back to Stockport

Where council residents do especially well with recycling, the Council gets a rebate on the waste levy (the amount Stockport, and the other nine councils, pay to the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority).

Thanks to excellent recycling performance from Stockport residents, since the introduction of the improved recycling service, Stockport is set to receive the biggest rebate on the 2010/11 waste levy. Stockport is set to get £637k back from the WDA. Only two other Greater Manchester councils have qualified for rebates this year Oldham are due to get £338k back and Bury will get £93k. All of the other Authorities are facing an extra bill – Manchester and Salford will have to find around half a million pounds each!

Street Cleansing – Stockport cleans more than everyone else in Greater Manchester
Stockport has beaten our cleanliness targets and in doing so Stockport Council cleaned more off our streets than any other council in Greater Manchester. The end of year figures show that Stockport sent more street cleansing waste for disposal than any other GM area.

Non-Recyclable Waste – Stockport least wasteful borough in Greater Manchester
The real environmental measure in waste management is actually the amount of waste produced – not the amount of recycling.

Not only is Stockport leading the way in Recycling but we are leading the way in reducing residual waste too! The WDA figures show that despite having the 2nd largest population in Greater Manchester only little tiny Rochdale sent fewer tonnes of waste to Landfill than we did last year. We are the 2nd largest borough with the 2nd smallest amount of residual waste.

Stockport disposed of the lowest amount of residual waste per person in Greater Manchester.

This compares very favourably with (worst-performer) Rochdale (2.7 times Stockport’s figure), Tameside (65% more than Stockport) and (second best performer) Trafford (36% more than Stockport). We sent to landfill only 60% of the waste per resident that the other nine authorities combined sent per person.

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One Response

  1. Neville Hewer says:

    That’s great news – I think we all need a pat on the back!

    But it is worrying that Manchester will need to find £500K. I believe it won’t be long before our local recycling plant at Sharston (in Manchester of course) will be charging each trip as they have done in one place down south.

    Do Stockport have any say in what happens there?

    Already they are trying to limit the number of visits by using number plate recognition technology to log every car in & out. I was stopped on only my second visit when I used a friend & his trailer to help empty my basement. They quoted some ‘fair usage’ policy in the same way as internet/mobile phone providers do. They said I would have to pay if I brought in another trailer load!

    I’ve hardly used the place in the last ten years but when you have a big ‘clear out’ it’s obvious you go more often.

    Is it right that they can stop you empying out rubbish from your own house??

    Finally, I was told that the site had been ‘sold’ to a private enterprise but the council still have some control. However, the private company who have invested around £13m
    made a profit of £80m in the first year.

    This may all be rumour! What are the facts, please. Do the ratepayers get any benefit from those profits or will they make more profit by charging us as I speculated above?

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