Graham, Tom and Ian

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Will new Gothic wine bar meet residents’ concerns?

by Lib Dem team on 19 July, 2011

Anyone passing the Gothic on Church Road, Gatley will see that the builders are in.  The building is being revamped inside with a view to open as a  wine bar.

Several residents have expressed their concerns to me, worried that problems with the previous Gothic – loud noise, anti-social behaviour and the like – will re-occur.

There’s no requirement for planning permission – permission already exists for a pub or wine bar on that site, so a new owner doesn’t have to apply again.

Any new owner certainly does have to apply is for a license to serve drinks and play music.  I think they’ll make that application in the next few weeks and the Council’s licensing committee will need to look at that.

The owners have told me that they will not be looking to attract the same people as the old wine bar, or the Red Lion.  They will be pricing their drinks to be significantly more expensive than either the Prince of Wales or the Horse & Farrier.  They are looking to attract a wealthier client base with families, and will be serving cooked food.

I asked them about music and they’ve told me they’ve no plans at all for loud music or karaoke, but will be aiming to have acoustic musicians playing in the bar.

It will be up to the licensing committee to hear the evidence and make a decision after they’ve applied.

The Prince of Wales always seems to me to be an example of a well-run pub where the landlord has put a lot of effort into making sure his business causes few problems for the community.  If a new wine bar is similarly well-run, with similar concern for residents, it may be a welcome improvement on the empty, shabby building that’s there now.

If however it causes the same sorts of problems we saw from the old Gothic and Red Lion – which was shut down by the police –  we would be strongly opposing it.


13 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    So long as they try not to appeal to ‘Wythy’ types – all should be well.

  2. John Hartley says:

    Hello Robert.

    I’m unsure whether I’m a “Wythy type”? Can you describe me please? All stereotypes gratefully accepted.

  3. Robert Taggart says:

    Johnny, ‘Wythy’ types… benighted, coarse, derelicts… you ?

  4. John Hartley says:


    I’ll let the rest of the family know what a pompous arse thinks of us. You really are a waste of space, chummy.

  5. Robert Taggart says:

    Johnny, if you are from Wythy – why the concern for Gatley ?

  6. John Hartley says:

    Mr Taggart

    When a smug arsewipe you are, trotting out your glib stereotypical remarks. You not only insult me, you insult my partner, her parents and other family, and my parents. What a no-mark!

  7. Robert Taggart says:

    Johnny, answer the question… are you from Wythy ?… no marks for guessing !

  8. Rick says:

    Of course everyone in Stockport Borough is so perfect. I don’t think!

    In a book on Wythenshawe’s history there is a reference to a remark by a councillor in the 50s referring to the “snobs of Gatley”. Obviously the sub-species is alive and well!

  9. Emma Burrows says:

    I lived for quite a few years on the “Peel Estate” in Woodhouse Park, Wythenshawe and have to say without any doubt at all, they were some of the happiest years of my life! My neibours were all lovely and the local children all played together on the walk we lived on. Everyone looked out for one another and people always greeted you with a “Good Morning”, “Hello” or suchlike.
    Nowadays 20 odd years on, I’ve apparently “moved up” but here not so many people even acknowledge you, and to pass a greeting on passing is similarly unheard of if you are not familiar!
    All places have their fair share of good and bad, so yes, let’s leave the snobbery well alone!
    If everyone just said hello or good morning, what a far nicer place Gatley might be.
    Just an observation ……..

  10. Emma Burrows says:

    Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I’m not from Wythenshawe, I’m from Surrey 🙂

  11. richard horsnell says:


    I always look forward to hearing what these guys have to say but Wow! What a rant…and all passing moderation of course. What doesn’t get passed?

    Being more of a wino than a beer drinker (despite evidence to the contrary attending styal beer festival on friday night – excellent by the way but a little chilly)I’m quite looking forward to the re-opening. I haven’t been here long enough to remember the last wine bar. I used to have the odd pint in the Gothic but found everything other than beer substandard. Best of luck to the new operators and i hope can hope do my bit to support them.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      I try to use moderation as a last resort (though obviously all spam goes in the bin).

      That’s not least because any comment I moderate, no matter how personal the abuse or libellous the content, invariably draws cries of “censorship”, especially from my political opponents.

  12. Robert Taggart says:

    Nice one Councillor.
    As no doubt you can confirm, there be too many ‘pleasantries’ in official British political discourse. Result ? – sterility.
    Not sure how the council meetings operate on this matter, but, we can all see how our parliament does – all ‘stuff and nonsense’ !
    Keep up the lively banter (on this site) as many would appear to ‘love’ it !

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