Graham, Tom and Ian

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Remember to recycle your food, foil and cartons

by Lib Dem team on 16 August, 2011

Stockport residents are already doing much better than the rest of Greater Manchester on recycling – and saving millions of pounds in the process.

But there are areas we can do better still – making sure we properly compost food and recycle juice cartons and aluminium foil.

  • Although we in Stockport composted 13,400 tonnes of food, there was 5,500 tonnes that still ended up in black bins, going to landfill.  Remember that you can put all food – meat and veg, cooked and raw – into your green bin that’s emptied weekly.
  • Remember that juice cartons go in your blue bin, with the paper and cardboard – a lot of those are still ending up in the black bin.
  • Aluminium foil goes in the brown bin, with bottles and cans – that includes cartons from take-aways.  Give them a quick wash first – they don’t have to be perfect, but not with half your takeaway in it, please!  Do the scrunch test with foil – if you can scrunch it and it stays scrunched then it goes in the brown bin.

(This information was in a longer post last week on our recycling achievements, so it may look familiar.  I thought it deserved another outing on its own).

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