Graham, Tom and Ian

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South Park Road Estate

by Lib Dem team on 22 September, 2011

A letter in the local papers this week, from someone who’s clearly no supporter of the Lib Dems, accuses us of doing nothing for the South Park Road Estate.

We disagree strongly, and we’d just like to go over some of what we’ve done:

  • White lines repainted and some added on the Kingsway service road, Mardale and South Park Road
  • Lights repaired and vegetation cut back
  • Litter cleared several times, especially around the underpass
  • Right of way changed at junction of the Kingsway service road and Braystan Gardens
  • Worked with residents on Coniston Road, Brogden Drive and Brentwood Drive to improve yellow lines.

We’ve had meetings with residents to look for a solution to the problem of vehicles coming onto the estate illegally, to get onto Kingsway northbound.  We’ve yet to find a solution that the residents are happy with that the Council can do (all suggestions welcome!).  For example, blocking off one entrance/exit would solve the problem, but inconvenience residents at the same time.

So it comes down to police enforcement.

We do work closely with the police and, as I’m sure they would confirm, we do press the case for more enforcement on the Estate.  However, the police are (quite rightly) independent of politicians and have to set their own priorities and make their own operational decisions.

We have succeeded in getting some enforcement, and we will continue to press for more, but the claims made by the letter writer that we’ve done nothing are simply untrue.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. John Hartley says:

    Have just read the letter.

    Let’s just say that your summary more accurately reflects the reality of what’s been done on the estate than the letter. A lot more accurately!

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