Graham, Tom and Ian

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Stockport Cycle Hub is open for business

by Lib Dem team on 19 June, 2014


When I was working on the new multi-storey car park by Stockport Station, I looked at cycle provision. Not something you usually see in NCP car parks, but I knew high quality, secure cycle parking was something we needed more of in Stockport and saw the opportunity. Working with local cycling groups who had much the same idea, we agreed the design for the cycle parking and I’m pleased to say it’s now open for business.

I’ve now signed up as a member as it’s very handy for when I use Stockport Station and a lot cheaper than parking my car or even taking a bus – just £15 a year.

For my £15 I get:

  • A swipe card to give me entry to the secure cycle parking around the station side of the car park.
  • My own locker in the cycle parking area
  • Cycle parking in a secure area monitored full-time by CCTV
  • Use of changing cubicles
  • NCP staff on-site to sort out any issues.

To get to it: go to the NCP car park by Stockport Station and just follow the signs – the external extrance is around the far side, where the car park faces the railway lines. For your pass and locker key just see the staff in the car park.





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