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by Lib Dem team on 20 August, 2015
Keith Holloway and the Lib Dems are campaigning against Tory plans to deliver big cuts to the police and close local courts.
“At a time when violent crime is on the rise in Greater Manchester, the Conservatives want to cut up to 1,500 more police officers and close our local courts,” Keith said.
“The Police themselves say that, if these Tory cuts come in, we could have no police on the beat in three or four years time. None. That’s simply not acceptable – it’s madness. We have to make a stand as a community and tell our Conservative MP and her government to think again,” Keith added.
You can show your support for a properly funded police service and local courts by signing the Lib Dem petition here.
Does this mean the council will not be cutting the share of the council tax for policing?
I recently submitted a FOI to GMP – the figures relate to the time the LibDems were in office:-
Following receipt of your request searches were conducted within Greater Manchester Police to locate information relevant to your request. I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by Greater Manchester Police.
Based on Headcount, Nominal Roll and excluding External Secondments
Number of Officers as at 31st May 2010 = 8,106
Number of Officers as at 30th Sept 2014 = 6,812
Hi Iain
I will start by saying that the Police have difficult job to do, But if they were to adopt a Zero tolerance policy I think we would all benefit from a reduction in crime as seen in New York and a revenue source along the way for the Police. First start by enforcing parking on Zig Zags at crossing 3 points and £100 fine, £100 for the Police safer crossing for the residents we all win. Police the traffic lights and prosecute the red light jumpers another revenue / safety winner. Back the Police to cut paperwork and get back out on the streets and roads of Stockport, encourage the Courts to back the Police only too often the Police catch and bring criminals to court to face justice only to see them leave court with little or no punishment it must be sole destroying for our Police Force. The Police don’t just need monetary support they also need to be shown our appreciation of their work.
Policing is more than uniforms – to ensure law abidance the Police Officers need office staff to process the paperwork and free them from that task. It is also necessary to move away from the Right Wing philosophy of “it’s OK if you can get away with it!” by ensuring that illegal action is caught. A safe society is made up of law abiding citizens and it is also less costly to run because the bad ones are motivated to behave. But when citizens feel that criminals are not being caught they lose their drive to bother about it and the society falls apart.
Right Wing philosophy of “it’s OK if you can get away with it!” – I have never heard such rubbish.
It is the marxist hard left that believes ‘the end justifies the means’, not the right
So how to explain the cuts?