Graham, Tom and Ian

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Lock up you cars – and your car keys

by Lib Dem team on 18 June, 2010

(but locking up your daughters is strictly optional these days).

A warning from Inspector Steve Gilbertson at today’s meeting with councillors.  Steve noted that there had been five burglaries in Gatley in the last two weeks of May (more than elsewhere in the area).

All five involved cars being stolen from outside houses at night and, in at least three cases, burglars were able to gain entry to the house through unlocked doors and pinch the car keys.

So please, please, please, especially on these warmer evenings, make sure your car keys aren’t a soft touch for thieves.  Don’t leave them near the front or back doors – ideally take them to bed with you (in the nicest possible way).


2 Responses

  1. Carolyn Minkes says:

    Thanks but if I am going to have my car stolen I prefer not to have them searching my bedroom while I am in it, especially if they have read your suggestion.

  2. iainroberts says:

    Carolyn – The advice from the police is that people leave their keys near doors (often unlocked) so people come in, have a quick look around, grab the keys and leave with your car. I’d guess most thieves would try another house rather than start searching every room in yours, with a much higher risk of being caught.

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