Graham, Tom and Ian

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Two improvements for Gatley station

by Lib Dem team on 9 November, 2015

Gatley Station will see two small improvements over the next few months.

The ticket office door will be changed to an automatic door. And a proper cycle stand will be installed for bike parking.

These are both small things, on top of other improvements at the station over the last few years. While it’s good news, it doesn’t take away from the need for a new Cheadle station, an orbital tram-train route including Cheadle and Gatley and a more frequent train service.


5 Responses

  1. Sajeel says:

    Ticket machines would have been better than a door

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    I agree! As I say, better than nothing, but a ticket machine would be nice. I believe we’ll soon be able to by train tickets on our smartphones though, so that should help.

  3. Graham Coull says:

    How about getting the car park extended remove the over grown part to make parking spaces!!!

  4. Jb says:

    I suggest you concentrate on the re-opening of Cheadle (LNW) station to provide services to Stockport, Manchester Altrincham and Chester. This seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time to progress a fairly simple low-cost issue.

    Forget an orbital tram route – I guess it would only go to Stockport and Altrincham anyway – where the railway already goes. Re-instatement of proper train services from Stockport to Staylybridge would provide the ‘orbital route’ suggested if there is sufficient demand.

  5. John Bodicoat says:

    That has always been my view JB. The railway works fine so why go to the expense of messing it all up? Also, the station doorway doesn’t have a ramp for disabled or pram access, as important as an automatic door. And of course, the ticket office is only open for half a day at most during the week, weekends its closed most of the time.

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