Graham, Tom and Ian

Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more

All systems go for yellow lines around Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 18 August, 2010

For several months Pam and I have been working on getting a series of yellow lines put down in key places around Cheadle where residents have complained cars parking near junctions is causing safety issues.

Yesterday’s Cheadle Area Committee approved the final stage which means the order can go in and the lines painted.

They are:

  • On Grange Park Road (both sides) near the junction with Wilmslow Road.
  • On Wilmslow Road north and south of the entrance to Whitegates
  • On Wimslow Road north and south of the junction with Warren Avenue
  • On Schools Hill at the junction with Daylesord Crescent

None of these are long sections of lines – in every case the aim is to protect junctions rather than remove legitimate parking spaces.

Hopefully we’ll see these lines appear soon.


4 Responses

  1. Les Leckie says:

    The lines are fine, Iain, I hope they are treated with more respect than the ones on High Street. Parking rules are only as good as our ability to enforce them.

  2. K Hallworth says:

    Hi Iain,

    Please can we ensure that the line painters do not paint AROUND vehicles, leaving a gap – these yellow lines are then unenforceable. This has been the situation in Abney Place, with vehicles parking on the gaps!

    Its smashing that these lines are going in – but let’s have some sensible preparation ie, clear the places where the lines are to be painted first.



  3. iainroberts says:

    Hi Kath,

    My recollection is that the lines in Abney Place were not painted by the Council.

  4. Alan Gent says:

    Iain, good news, but as has been said before, if they are not enforced….

    Can I also ask you to consider a similar approach for the bottom of Milton Crescent. People park both sides of the road here when visiting the beauty salon and the air con people park their cars there even though they have a car park of their own! Once again, its a safety issue AND lost revenue

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