Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more
by Lib Dem team on 3 October, 2010
The Greater Manchester Integrated Transport Authority (GMITA) is working on it’s Local Transport Plan that will shape the way transport develops across Greater Manchester for up to fifteen years.
The consultation will run from 4th October to 24th December, so there’s time for us all to have our say.
I’ve got quite a few schemes I’m keen promote, including some you’ll probably have already heard about (e.g. new stations on the Stockport – Altrincham line) and I’ll report back to you with more detail of the ideas I and my fellow councillors have come up with.
I’d really like to know your ideas.
In scope for this are changes to public transport (bus, train, tram), walking & cycling provision and major road extensions.
Out of scope, as I understand it, are local road changes.
Key proposals in the consultation brochure include
All of those are, needless to say, dependent on funding.
So – what do you think, and what would you like to see happening?
Iain, the metrolink to Didsbury is completely unnecessary, given their own transport links, unless it comes to Cheadle. We must have the worst PT access in South Manchester with no station in Cheadle, a bus service whose drivers ought to wear stocking masks and who’s watches are stuck on 10 minutes late.
Ian,, we need to have a better connection to East Didsbury. Life is not easy to commute from Cheadle to Manchester. If you add a more efficient service between Cheadle an east didsbury commuters can take more buses or use the train
I agree with most of your suggestions, but here are three more:
1. Adequate secure parking provision at rail and Metrolink stations. London’s commuter belt seems to manage it.
2. Clean, safe ‘buses instead of the smoke belching old bangers plying many routes.
3. Reasonable fares that make public transport the financially sensible option. As an example, when Bullocks ran the 157 route from Woodford to Piccadilly, it was possible to buy a cheap day return ticket. Now one has to purchase a Stagecoach Day Rider or the even more expensive System One day ticket if returning after 6pm (because it’s a different operator).
How can GMPTE/GMITA justify their continued overstaffed, consultant infested existence in their fancy new offices, while Manchester’s ‘bus system fails its would-be users?
As a Cheadle – Manchester commuter, i find it unbelievable how poor the Cheadle – City link is. We probably (as a small village) contribute more to the public coffers than many other villages\towns in GM, but get the poorest service.
There is already a viable train track running through Cheadle that surely can be linked into the transport hub at minimal cost.
Hi Richard,
I think you’re absolutely right. 18 months ago I ran a campaign for a new station for Cheadle and we succeeded in getting it back on the agenda as something that’s now being seriously considered as part of the plan to improve public transport in Greater Manchester.
Now we’re working on moving that forwards – reviving the Cheadle station on the Stockport-Altrincham line that runs through the village, in addition to “Gatley North” and Baguley stations that are also being considered.
That could be train or it could be tram-train. Whatever happens needs to feed into the overall strategy, so improving the situation in one place doesn’t create pinch-points elsewhere and cause more problems. We’re working on it and hope to have more news soon.