Graham, Tom and Ian

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Vote for Gatley and Cheadle to get faster BT internet access

by Lib Dem team on 4 October, 2010

BT is asking the public to vote for their area to be at the front of the queue for upgrades to the exchanges, to get faster Broadband access.

OK, it’s a bit of a marketing gimmick, but perhaps worth voting for our area, as I’ve done (casting the first vote for Gatley).

To vote, visit the BT race to infinity site.  You’ll need to give them your address, BT landline number and email address (but if you’re a BT customer, they’ve already got at least two of those).


4 Responses

  1. David Lomax says:

    I’ve made the vote – I’m on the Gatley Exchange too and seem to be too far away from it for a good service. Fibre optic would be good.

  2. Geoffrey Clarke says:

    I’ve just voted – 10th vote for Gatley apparently

  3. Steve says:

    But it says 0.09% – they want 12,259 votes.. :/ How many connections are there at all to the Gatley exchange?

  4. Steve says: says we have 11,499 residential premises and
    760 non-residential premises. So that’s 12259.

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