Graham, Tom and Ian

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Council’s red tape cut as 4700 Whitehall targets slashed

by Lib Dem team on 15 October, 2010

From Stockport Council:

Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles, has announced the abolition of centrally driven targets, known as Local Area Agreements. This will instantly remove reporting on 4700 Whitehall targets. Instead, local areas will be in control of their own delivery targets, answering to residents.

In addition National Indicators, used to monitor council performance, will be replaced with an agreed single list of Whitehall data requirements for local government by April 2011. The Council will continue to collect data in relation to the 2010/11 Council Plan measures which provide an indication of progress in achieving the Council’s priorities. Future data collection requirements will be informed by future local Council priorities for 2011/12 and the single list of data requirements from central government when it is known.

For more information, please click here.

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