Graham, Tom and Ian

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Cheadle Area Committee round-up

by Lib Dem team on 10 November, 2010

The 9th November 2010 Cheadle Area Committee covered quite a bit of ground.  We started off wishing our Chair, Cllr Paul Porgess, well.  He’s recuperating at home having recently left hospital.

  • Inspector Steve Gilbertson from Stockport West Police said his officer had been working hard to tackle the spike in anti-social behaviour that always comes around Halloween and Bonfire Night.  He reminded us that the peak time for burglaries is 3pm to 4pm.
  • Julie Henshall, our Area Conditions Officer spoke about the bin rollout.
  • Kevin Melling, head of Streetscene, was grilled over the action being taken to sort out flooding on Ladybridge Road and Broadway/Wilmslow Road as I reported yesterday.
  •  A petition was received from residents concerned about the increase in traffic on Meadows Road, Lee Road and Ainsdale Drive in Heald Green making it difficult for them to access their poperties.  Cllr Burns said he agreed and work was already underway to look at ways to improve the situation.
  • We had an excellent presentation on the Cheadle Green archeological dig (I’ll try to get hold of the Powerpoint to publish on this blog).
  • Planning application DC045256 (covert properties above 14-20 Old Rectory Gardens, Cheadle into flats) was granted.  This is one discussed in detail last month and deferred.  We were concerned that the applicant said he’s been in touch with Dixon court residents about parking arrangements when two residents present said otherwise, but overall there were no grounds to refuse the application and I’m hopeful it will be a positive one for the area.
  • Planning application DC045260 (single storey rear extension, 8 Nansen Road, Gatley) was deferred for a site visit and will be decided at Planning & Highways committee later this month.
  • A report into the possibility of gating Brookhead Arcad, Cheadle to deal with anti-social behaviour concluded that it isn’t a viable option so there will be no gating there.
  • The committee supported proposals for the Royal British Legion to lease some land off Oak Road, Cheadle Hulme for a small office (this is not Oak Road, Cheadle – the land is next to the Turves Road fire station and behind the Scout’s District HQ).
  • The committee approved spending £20,000 from the Cheadle & Gatley budget to fully repair the pavements on Brooklyn Crescent, Cheadle – something Pam’s been working on for a while.

4 Responses

  1. Alan Gent says:

    Iain, further to my previous emails regarding pavements. I can’t believe, in fact I KNOW that the pavements on Brooklyn Crescent are in worse state than High Grove Rd! It would be good to see a published list of the priorities for future pavement repairs

  2. Alan Gent says:

    er, that last post should read or NOT in a worse state than High Grove

  3. kath hallworth says:

    Hi Iain,

    Oh come on, surely the High Street would benefit from new pavements? More people use the High Street than Brooklyn Cresent. The fresh pavements are something, I think I am right in saying, that have been promised by local Councillors for some time!

    I agree with the last comment, let’s see a published list of priorities before future repair work is decided.



  4. iainroberts says:

    There’s no shortage of pavements that need to be redone. Brooklyn Crescent is especially poor – I do think personally it’s worse that the High Street or High Grove Road. It’s also a route used by a lot of elderly people.

    The money to re-do Brooklyn Crescent comes from our devolved budget. We can’t afford to get new pavements for the High Street from that budget – there simply isn’t enough money in it.

    We are hoping to get money to improve the High Street from a different source, but with budgets being tight all round, I can’t make any promises.

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