Graham, Tom and Ian

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Dementia services in Stockport

by Lib Dem team on 23 October, 2009

Yesterday evening, I attended my first Scrutiny Committee meeting at Stockport Council (and my third Council meeting of the day, but that’s another story).

This was the Health Scrutiny Committee and I was there as a substitute for a regular member who couldn’t make it.

We were there to specifically look at how the different agencies in Stockport (e.g. the Council, the Primary Care Trust and third sector organisations like Age Concern and the Stockport and District Alzheimer’s Society) can better work together.

As our population ages, dementia (principally, though not exclusively, a disease of the elderly) becomes more and more common, with one in five people over 80 getting it.  It’s scary, misunderstood and can be very difficult not only for the sufferer but also their friends and relatives (who are often elderly themselves).

It’s estimated that 3,800 people in Stockport have dementia, including around 300 under the age of 65.

Since yesterday’s meeting was only one in a series, it wouldn’t make sense for me to start talking about the details of what might or might not be done locally.

What I will do is to pass on some useful phone numbers, and encourage anyone who is concerned about themselves or someone else having dementia to use them.  Don’t wait until you can’t cope – get help early.

  • Stockport and District Alzheimer’s Society  0161 483 4446
  • National Alzheimer’s Society 0845 300 0336
  • Stockport Dementia Care Training  0161 419 6016
  • Age Concern Stockport 0161 480 1211
  • Signpost (information & support for carers) 0161 456 4276
  • Stockport Welfare Rights 0161 474 3093
  • Attendance Allowance 0800 882 200
  • Social Services Customer Contact Centre  0845 644 4314
  • Driving and Dementia DVLA (contact your GP in first instance) 0870 240 0009
  • NHS Direct  0845 4647
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