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Consultation on Waste Plan Preferred Option Report

by Lib Dem team on 14 November, 2009

Councils across Greater Manchester are asking for residents and businesses views on the preferred sites for waste facilities and the preferred approach to dealing with future development of sites as part of a Preferred Option report.

The consultation on the Waste Plan Preferred Option Report (a catchy title if ever there was one) is being held from 13 November to 8 January 2010. 

The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) is working to develop a Joint Waste Development Plan detailing planning policies for managing waste, identifying potential sites for waste facilities, including residual waste disposal, and providing policies to determine planning applications. The document will help identify and deliver the facilities that will be required to manage the conurbations waste.

The Waste Plan Preferred Options Report is available to view and comment upon at Further information is available from the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority on Tel No. 0161 779 6182, or e-mail

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