Graham, Tom and Ian

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0.04% in Manchester want an ID card

by Lib Dem team on 30 November, 2009

As reported in the Manchester Evening News:

 only 749 people have made an appointment to enrol in Greater Manchester for an ID card.

That is around 0.04 per cent of the total eligible population of 1.8m in this ‘pilot’ area for the ID card scheme.

When will the Government admit they’ve got it wrong and stop wasting our money on this daft scheme.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. D Johnson says:

    One simple reason for the low take-up, the difficulty in discovering how to apply! What is the ID authority, where are the ID offices, when are they open etc. I managed to get a pack sent after digging around the Internet but still do not know where to apply and when (waiting for an email reply).
    In an increasingly complex, interdependant, interrelated society ‘means of maintaining personal integration’ aid freedom and social behaviour. Freedom to do as each inividual feels aids the irresponsible – surely not a LibDem aim. Slogans do not inform they only inflame.

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