Graham, Tom and Ian

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Save the cheque, sign the petition

by Lib Dem team on 5 December, 2009

3 Responses

  1. Sally Stewart says:

    If I cannot use cheques, I shall have to use cash. This will be risky for me and likely to result in the Government losing tax revenue.

  2. ruth wolveridge says:

    – Inland Revenue will lose £millions as more people – myself included – will pay cash to small traders, which may or may not be declared.

    – People on low incomes cannot get a bank account. They will also pay by cash.

    – I’ve just been a victim of card fraud. This would increase if all my transactions were made this way.

  3. Gillian Tindall says:

    So many everyday transactions – paying a friend back for theatre tickets, sending a money present to a nephew or neice, giving to one of the innumerable smaller charities, paying a jobbing plumber, decorator or mechanic, sorting out everyday finance with a partner – are simple with a chequebook and ridiculously complicated or impossible without. Have the banks lost all sense of their responsibility to serve the customer?

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