Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more
by Lib Dem team on 15 December, 2009
I was very pleased indeed to see the grids and gullies being properly cleaned along Styal Road – between Church Road and West Drive in Gatley.
Some background on this. Pam King and I identified, with help from local residents, that some of the grids and gullies haven’t been cleaned out in years. They’re checked at least once a year, but for some reason not cleaned.
There are often good reasons for not cleaning out a grid. For example, if a vehicle is parked over it or it’s jammed. We couldn’t see why those should apply on Styal Road though.
Rod Camblin at the Council offered to look into it, starting with Styal Road, and as we saw today, he’s come up with the goods. The grids were cleared out and a couple of issues identified for further attention.
I’m told this shouldn’t be a one-off either. We should see the machine back every few weeks and I’m hoping the Council can tackle Gatley Road next.
We’ve achieved quite a lot in the last few months tackling this issue:
There’s more to do – and these things do take time. In Cheadle there’s the pool at the bottom of Schools Hill and at the corner of Kingsway and Gatley Road. In Gatley there’s the water under the railway bridge and at the bottom of Oakwood Avenue. There are a few others around too.
But there’s a lot to be positive about. Thanks to Rod and his team at the Council, things are really started to move.
Great Work! True to your word, you have been busy and i have seen the drainage men out and about.
There is however still ponding on West Drive after rain fall. The ponding occurs near styal road, at the point where gatley brook crosses under west drive. The ponding regularly exceeds the width of a car and on occasion has overspilled onto the paths.
Having re-assessed this location, the grid appears to be clear and the water is ponding in a low spot down gradient of the grid. I appreciate this may not be a priority road but what are the chances of getting a new grid sited on the area of the low spot?
The corner of styal road/church is still a problem (I saw the drainage men clearing the pot here!). The path has been extended out into the road as part of traffic calming measures (i think following on from the pedestrian crossing installation).
There appears to be a shallow gulley in the footpath following the old kerb line. There is a grid here but due to constant leaf fall it gets clogged. As a result this area usually has a thick layer of slippery sediment & sludge. I think the path would benefit from removal of the drain gulley (which is partly causing the problem) and resurfacing to improve the fall of the path and encourage watershed to, say the road side.
Wishing you all the best for christmas and 2010.
West Drive Grids
Hi Iain,
Now the snow has thawed out i have had another look at the section of road that floods by gatley brook on west drive near the junction with styal road. There are two grids there (sorry, i previously reported one). There is a grid in the low spot where the flooding occurs but it is well silted and needs clearing. Can you add it to the list?
This part of the road often gets parked on. It could relaly do with a 5m stretch of double yellow lines; the junction with styal road is tight and vehicles are often parked too close to the turning.