Graham, Tom and Ian

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Tatton cinema site appeal – we have a date

by Lib Dem team on 25 January, 2010

I’ve heard this afternoon that the Informal Hearing into appeals will be held on Wednesday 10th March 2010 at the Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3XE commencing at 10.00am.

A Planning Inspector appointed by the First Secretary of State will determine the appeal.

The two applications being appealed are:

Partial demolition and reconstruction of former Tatton Cinema foyer, demolition and reconstruction of adjacent two storey retail units to provide 377m2 retail unit, erection of three storey 44 bedroom care home (Use Class C2) on site of former auditorium, alterations to highway, provision of access, car parking, servicing and landscaping.

Conservation Area Consent for the Partial demolition and reconstruction of former Tatton Cinema foyer, demolition and reconstruction of adjacent two storey retail units to provide 377m2 retail unit, erection of three storey, forty four bedroom care home (Use Class C2) on site of former auditorium, alterations to highway, provision of access, car parking and servicing, provision of landscaping and development ancillary thereto.


4 Responses

  1. John Hartley says:

    You refer to this as the “Informal Hearing”. Does this mean there is a later “Formal” one or is the one where the Inspector hears the apppeal evidence and then makes a decision?

  2. iainroberts says:

    John – I think this hearing is it. As I understand it, a planning appeal can be heard in three different ways: with barristers and cross-examinations in a quasi-legal format (a formal hearing), without the barristers and with the inspector questioning everyone (informal hearing) and one just based on written evidence.

  3. John Hartley says:

    Ta – that explains it. I’d only got experience of quasi-legal type. I’d wondered if the informal hearing was a prior process.

    At last this sorry saga might be coming to an end.

  4. Paula Isherwood says:

    Thanks, John, for asking the question. Didn’t like to show my ignorance! Also agree that it is time that this saga came to an end – nearly nine years since the Tatton closed!

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