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by Lib Dem team on 5 February, 2010
Stockport County fans packed the (not enormous but normally still half-empty) public gallery for last night’s Full Council meeting.
As last time, I was tweeting from the meeting. Here are all my tweets together in one place.
full council about to start. Cllr maureen walsh sitting with independents for 1st time.
I’m sitting right behind the executive – best behaviour, then.
Rabbi Chaim from Gatley’s Yeshurun synagogue opens with a prayer.
Mayor detailing smbc gritting efforts – members of gritting team in gallery.
Round of applause for council’s gritters – which they fully deserve.
Stockport county motion withdrawn, leader will address all points raised.
members declaring interests – all county season ticket holders coming forward.
Everyone with a bus pass now declaring an interest – almost the entire council.
stockport county interests turning into “I support county more than you” competition.
John abrams of liberal revolution blog joins us in the gallery – hi john!
Questions on stockport county, footpaths, childcare, education funding from public.
leader says sale sharks should become stockport sharks – scandalous that it doesn’t.
2 questions have been ruled out as illegitimate by legal folks, questioner refuses to sit down.
Presentation on children & young people’s services. First a dvd to watch.
brilliant to see the positive ways young people getting involved.
3 young people shadowed our head of children’s services – 1 had been through care system.
Children are inspecting our services, more inspections planned.
“children in care council” – young people affecting what the council does.
Children involved in shaping children’s programmes in Stockport.
Executive from sk youth now presenting to whole council. Much braver than I ever was.
council needs to speak to young people & do more to tackle cyber-bullying.
Gatley sk youth rep: have more events @ skate park.
Leader offers sk youth a regular slot in Review – great idea.
cllr foster-grime wants more young people to stand as councillors – yes!
cllr ben alexander suggests sk youth coming to local area committees – another good idea.
brilliant stuff from sk youth – thanks to all involved.
Cllr meikle telling us all the hard work greater manchester people doing in Haiti.
we were hoping to get docklands cast-off trains but even those are delayed. NW stuck with ancient diesel.
cllr porgess defending grtr man police performance in face of lab attacks.
leader rises to speak about Stockport County.
Leader: there is a way out for Stockport County & it’s a critical part of our community.
Council supports County £50k a year for last six years.
Leader revealing huge support: more time spent helping County than on own half billion pound budget.
sale sharks own edgeley park, their mortgage is higher than the value of the ground.
When you buy a stockport county match programme, every penny goes to sale sharks.
Meeting in Preston next thurs with football league – hopefully to get county out of administration.
Leader: Council does not have money to buy County – it’s not an option. Melrose bid passing all the tests.
meeting suspended whilst shouty member of the public is ejected after repeated warnings. 15 min break.
And we’re back…Leader:council offered facilities to County e.g. Gym, pool facilities.
Lab cllr scott: County is very important to the town, need to shout about it. Lot’s of benefits.
Con cllr les jones: stockport county gets us name recognition across the country.
All parties supportive of action the Council’s been taking on Stockport County.
Leader: money raised selling pixels of County ground has vanished – no one seems to know where it is
Leader: need to get County out of administration, then build trust & move the club forwards.
Cllr Dave White: £50m for improving stations not from Govt, part of next rail franchise deal.
Council has 330 tonnes rock salt avail, pressing for more deliveries.
Cllr white: thanks to stagecoach & other operators keeping buses running during freeze.
Cllr Bagnall (con) congratulates stockport on good gritting – better than Manchester.
questions to cllr dave white constructive, except Mick Jones’ point scoring against me. Nice try, Mick.
Cllr White: Cheadle railway station raised with ministers and elsewhere many times.
sen transport budget has been overspent this year, no cuts. Review to provide service within budget.
Cllr weldon: falling pupil nos mean £6m less for secondary schools; we’re talking to schools.
cllr bodsworth: properties with no green bins to get 21L caddies for weekly food waste collection.
Motion on police funding from cllr foster-grime: manchester suffers from unfair poor funding.
Cllr foster-grime: we want level playing field on police – if it’s good enough for London…
3 hours in and my tweeting enthusiasm slightly waning.
Lab line on police is there’s enough money from Govt: management is the problem.
Cllr Derbyshire: Stockport has excellent record on partnership working to to tackle crime.
Down to 3 in public gallery. Pauline Banham, John Abrams + 1 – I salute you.
3 hrs 15 mins in – I may get to vote on something soon.
Tories supporting motion calling for more police funding, doesn’t know if a Tory gov would deliver.
lab attack motion on police funding. Apparently, we should just let the issue drop.
Lab cllrs disagreeing with each other over whether gmp police is doing a good job.
Cllr Bailey (Lab) thinks we should give up asking for a fair deal for Greater Manchester police.
Cllr Porgess (ld): why is Surrey gaining more funding at Manchester’s expense?
Cllr porgess (ld): g man police to lose 100 officers to balance budget.
Cllr Weldon attacking Labour cllrs for dodging the issue on police funding.
I don’t think Cllr Bodsworth meant to say Cllr Bailey was “right on the game”. (It was corrected).
yay – 3 hrs 45 mins and I’ve cast my first vote of the night. ld & con for, lab against.
guillotine at 10pm focusing minds. Motions on gritting & wooton bassett soldiers agreed by all.
Lab motion on concessionary travel – last motion of the night.
Ld amendment concerned that age for free travel to be raised by lab gov from 60 to 65.
Lab: all benefits moving to 65, concessionary travel should be no different.
very detailed discussion on semantics of sub-clause of previous clause of consessionary travel motion.
ld & con for amendment & motion as amended. Lab agin amendment, abstain on final vote. Passed.
And we’re done – woohoo. Home to the family.
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