Graham, Tom and Ian

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Council employees swap for Fairtrade Fortnight

by Lib Dem team on 22 February, 2010

For this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight Stockport Council is asking all employees to join in with ‘The Big Swap’.

For two whole weeks the Council will be asking staff to swap their usual products for Fairtrade products. This could mean swapping their usual bananas for Fairtrade bananas, their usual cotton socks for Fairtrade cotton socks, and their usual cuppa for a Fairtrade cuppa.

This means that every time you go shopping, you can use your wallet to make a stand. The Fairtrade Foundation is hoping that over one million swaps will be made over the course of the fortnight.

For more information on how you can help please visit the The Big Swap.

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  1. < a href=”” > < /a > For this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight Stockport Council is asking all employees to join in with ‘The Big Swap’..

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