Graham, Tom and Ian

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Let me know if South Park Road situation has improved

by Lib Dem team on 22 June, 2010

The police have been out again on South Park Road, in both morning and evening rush hours, and have issued a total of around 250 warning letters.

Having given motorists proper warning, the next stage is to issue fines.  Note that the offence being committed does not lead to points on the licence – just a £30 fine.

The police, and I, would like to know whether residents on the South Park Road estate feel the situation has improved or not, so please do let me have your thoughts.


7 Responses

  1. Steve Wilkinson says:

    Thank you for the update and looking at the level of illegal access traffic I am seeing this week I do not feel that there has been any reduction since the issuing of warning letters. Do the letters have to be issued for a minimum period or to every illegal accessor before the police can issue a fixed penalty notice of £30?
    Many thanks

  2. iainroberts says:

    Steve – from now on the police will be issuing penalty notices.

  3. John Hartley says:

    In years gone by, it was the issuing of fixed penalties that had the success.

  4. Trevor Gaunt says:

    I think I’ve seen a recent increase in the number of drivers making an illegal U-turn from the Gatley (right-turn) lane at the traffic signals in conflict with vehicles legitimately turning left on the filter arrow. What can be done to stop this menace? Would there be any point in signposting a legitimate route for southbound A34 traffic wishing to join M60 westbound, e.g. continuing south to the roundabout near John Lewis?

  5. John Hartley says:

    I tend to agree with Trevor that this hazard at the lights has now returned. It seemed to disappear when the left fliter came into operation but it seems probable that drivers are now U-turning rather than dodging through South Park. And, of course, with the traffic now left-filtering it’s much more hazardous than before!

  6. Ruth Hill says:

    We live at the front of the South Park Road Estate 2 houses in from the Kingsway bridge. This means that if we either want to get into our drive or back out of it, it is extremely dangerous as cars are so impatient, having just come off the motorway, that they don’t give us a chance. They even try to overtake us when we are turning into our drive, despite our signal to say we are turning right.
    There has been absolutely NO DIFFERENCE since the police have been here.
    Incidently the people coming off the motorway are under the misapprehension that the road and embankment of South Park Road are litter bins, as they throw rubbish (mainly take-away cartons and plastic or glass bottles) onto them.

  7. iainroberts says:

    All – comments noted and being passed on to the police.

    Trevor, John – I’ve noticed a slight but stubborn increase in U-turns, even – as you say – with the left filter making it a more dangerous maneuvre.

    I was thinking a while back about the possibility of signing round the roundabout; just wondering if the signs would be too confusing, but worth looking at.

    I’d like to know where people are coming from who do the u-turn. Drivers from the East might do better coming off at junction 1 and taking Didsbury Road.

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