Graham, Tom and Ian

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Have your say on Stockport’s highways and transport

by Lib Dem team on 30 June, 2010

From the Council:

Stockport residents are being encouraged to complete a questionnaire on the Council’s Highways and Transport Services.

The survey, running for the third year, includes questions on the condition of roads and footpaths, walking and cycling, congestion and local bus services, and takes about 20 minutes to complete. A random sample of 4,500 local households has started to receive a National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction survey.

The deadline for returning the surveys is 16th July. People’s views in Stockport can be compared directly with those in 100 other local authorities in England and North Wales as all the questions are the same. The survey is a joint initiative between the National Highways & Transport Network and regional Highways Service Improvement Group. The results are expected to be published by the late summer.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. john franklin says:

    have been trying to get a grid cleared outside the front of my property for quite a few months now have phoned twice and its still not done when it rains it backs up really badly flooding the road please clear the drain address is 59 rushton drive bramhall sk7 3lb

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