Graham, Tom and Ian

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Raising the green flag in Stockport

by Lib Dem team on 30 July, 2010

From the Council:

Stockport has been awarded nine Green Flag Awards and one Green Pennant Award for 2010-11, in recognition of the high standard of its parks and open spaces.

Three parks were entered for the first time and all were successful: Diamond Jubilee Park, North Reddish Park and Shaw Health Park.

The following parks retained their Green Flags: Adswood Park, Brinnington Park, Hallam Gardens, Heaton Norris Park, Oak Meadow and Reddish Vale Country Park.

This brings the total number of sites that are at Green Flag standard across the borough to 20. To be eligible for a Green Flag Award, sites must be freely accessible to the public and meet strict criteria including being safe and secure, clean and well maintained, support conservation and heritage and encourage strong community involvement.

Meanwhile Gatley Carrs was successfully submitted for the Green Pennant Award. The Green Pennant Award recognises high quality green spaces that are managed by voluntary and community groups, in this case Gatley Carrs Conservation Group. For more information on Stockport’s parks visit or call 0161 217 6111.

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