Graham, Tom and Ian

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Anti-social behaviour down in Oak Road, say residents

by Lib Dem team on 12 August, 2010

Pam and I spend yesterday evening knocking on doors in Oak Road and Oakfield Avenue, Cheadle.

The Oak Road area’s had an on-and-off problem with anti-social behaviour for quite a while, which Pam and I have been working with the Police to crack.

The message we got on the doorstep yesterday was positive: people told us they aren’t  having problems with anti-social behaviour at the moment (particularly good to hear in the middle of the summer holidays.

I do think that’s in large part due to the hard work of the Police and the Council who have really focussed on the area to deal with the small minority of residents causing problems (and it only takes one or two to make a lot of people’s lives a misery).

No-one’s naive enough to think this state of affairs is permanent, and it’s important we keep on top of the problem, so please let us know if there are more problems in future.


5 Responses

  1. malcolm hayes says:

    Hi Iain I was a little disapointed to hear that you and Pam King visited the area of oak rd but did not come to see the people on this side of the rd who were most affected by this anti- social behavior the reason it has gone so quiet is that the main culprit is in prison so his deadhead mates have not been coming round

  2. iainroberts says:

    Only through lack of time – we will be knocking on those doors before too long, but we can’t get round everywhere on one evening.

    We’re keeping a close eye on the anti-social behaviour issue; it always seems that just one or two people can cause problems for a whole neighbourhood.

  3. K Hallworth says:

    Hi Iain, I was sad to observe trouble on Oak Road a week ago saturday night. Whilst driving up Oak Road from Cheadle, a group of at least 10 youths (and some as young as 8 or 9) were taking their lives in their hands by walking out in front of cars! It was about 9.00pm – don’t their parents wonder where their kids are at that time?

  4. K Heys says:

    Hi Iain
    Sadly the problems on Oak Road are not just going away. You need to visit the people who have suffered because of a certain tenant who I believe wants to return to Oak Road once he has served his prison sentence we do not want him back under any circumstances the last 9 months have been hell. Also know one is keeping us updated in the last 5 weeks.Please can you update the residence as soon as posible.

  5. iainroberts says:

    Hi Kathryn,

    As far as I know the eviction is still going through for that tenant. I realise that if he returns it will all start up again. I’ll find out the latest on that and let you know.

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