Graham, Tom and Ian

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Residents’ parking for Oakfield Avenue, Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 12 August, 2010

Pam and I visited Oakfield Avenue yesterday evening, knocking on doors to get signatures for a residents’ parking scheme in the road.  A petition had already been completed a while back, but was mislaid by the council.  The good news was someone had a copy of the old petition and we got a few extra names too.

The next step in the process will be the Council sending out information leaflets about residents parking and doing an evaluation on the road.

The whole process will take several months, during which time residents will have the opportunity to have their say and express any concerns before a final decision is made.

If it goes ahead, residents will be able to buy parking permits for £20 a year, or  additionally get a book of one-day permits for a pound a time, which may work out cheaper for those with occasional visitors.

Anyone with concerns about the process can contact Pam or myself.


3 Responses

  1. david moore says:

    Its interesting that the council also claimed to have ‘mislaid’ the information from a survey relating to the recent Permit parking application for the Hall Street area of Cheadle.
    They have resent the same survey to residents for completion, my concerns are that because of the confusion this caused we may not now reach the 51% support required for this to be approved.

  2. iainroberts says:

    Hi David. You have the 51% – that’s done. At Pam and my request they’re resending the survey after officers said it was sent out before and not a single resident replied – something that didn’t sound likely.

    I’m frustrated that it’s taking this long, but we are chasing it, along with the other highways issues in your area.

  3. Estelle Weiner says:

    I have just come back from a suburb of London. I assume the parking is a problem because of the proximity of the station?
    Anyway, there they prohibit parking near the local tube station between 10am and 12 noon. That way no-one can park all day for nothing!

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