Graham, Tom and Ian

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Planning enforcement does the job in Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 21 August, 2010

Like many councillors, not to mention members of the public, I’m not too enamoured with the planning system and its many faults and frustrations, but credit where it’s due – it can do the job.

Two recent examples in Cheadle:

  • an advertising hoarding had been erected on the side wall of the Village Deli (next to the old BT building) without planning permission.  When a resident brought it to my attention, I put in a request to Planning Enforcement at the Council.  They gave the owner of the building a few weeks to take it down and down it came.
  • Stockport Homes had erected a large sign in at the front of Queens Gardens.  A resident complained and planning looked into it.  In the end, Stockport Homes withdrew their planning application.  I checked a couple of months later and the sign was still there.  I let the planning department know and now it’s gone.

There are a few other planning enforcement issues Pam and I are pursuing – we’ll see how they go.


5 Responses

  1. Steve Whitaker says:

    We have a current “planning issue” with a resident of Crescent Grove, Cheadle wanting to include a gate in their garden wall to give access through to Greenvale Drive where we live.
    We have objected on the grounds that this creates a new and unwanted right of way.
    If you need to check details the planning application is DC/044595
    Steve Whitaker

  2. David Lomax says:

    I have just reported the eyesore mural that has been painted on the gable end of the tattoo studio on Stockport Road opposite Queens Gardens. Does anyone else think this unacceptable?

  3. iainroberts says:

    Steve –
    As there are more than four objections, this would automatically come before the councillors on Cheadle Area Committee if the officers recommendation were be to grant the application.

    That’s not to say we would be able to reject it, but it would get a proper public hearing. If it does come before the committee, everyone who’s objected will be informed in writing in advance so you can come along if you like. One person will also be able to speak against the application.

  4. Alan Gent says:

    David, I asked Iain to look into the tattoo parlour and he has passed it to enforcement to investigate

  5. Steve says:

    I love the tattoo mural, it really lightens up the streets considering the closed pub and charity shops.

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