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Irresponsible dog owners targeted in new campaign

by Lib Dem team on 6 September, 2010

From Stockport Council:

Irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pet were targeted in a recent campaign, “Operation Staffi,” in Stockport. Although incidents of dog fouling in public places have fallen in the borough, the Council says that a minority of dog walkers still fail to clear up after their pet.

During the Council’s recent “Operation Staffi,” Environmental Officers cracked down on irresponsible dog walkers in Reddish and Heatons areas. Anyone caught failing to clear up after their dog was issued with a £50 Fixed Penalty Notice. People failing to pay this will be prosecuted and could face a fine of up to £1000.

Officers were also on the lookout for people dropping litter or daubing graffiti. Residents are urged to report incidents of dog owners failing to clean up after their pet by contacting the Council’s Dog Warden Service on 016 474 4207.


3 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    What about those dog owners who do bag their loved ones ‘efforts’ only to discard the bag like so much other litter ? !

  2. jennifer cohen says:

    What about emptying the litter bins in parks such as Maple Ave and East Ave where the amount of litter increased significantly over the summer holidays and was left strewn all over the place?

  3. Anne Robertshaw says:

    What about providing litter bins alongside the dog bins on Scholes Field and Gatley Hill so that the dog bins aren’t constantly jammed up with ordinary litter.

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